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英文单词:atmosphere 简明英汉词典 atmosphere [5AtmEsfiE] n. 大气, 空气, 气氛 美国传统词典[双解] atmosphere at.mos.phere AHD:[2t“m…-sf?r”] D.J.[6#tm*7sfi*] K.K.[6#tm*7sf!r] n.(名词) (1) Abbr. atm, atm., atmos.The gaseous mass or envelope surrounding a celestial body, especially the one surrounding Earth, and retained by the celestial bodys gravitational field. 缩写 atm, atm., atmos.大气层:指环绕天体的气团或气层,尤指环绕地球的气团,被天体重力场所束缚 (2) The air or climate in a specific place. 空气:某地的空气或天气 (3) Abbr. atm, atm.Physics A unit of pressure equal to the air pressure at sea level, approximately equal to 1.01325 × 105 newtons per square meter. See table at measurement 缩写 atm, atm.【物理学】 大气压力:压力单位,等于海平面上的空气压力,每平方米约为1.01325×105牛顿 参见 measurement (4) A dominant intellectual or emotional tone or attitude, especially one related to a specific environment or state of affairs: 风格,基调:一种占支配地位的智力或情感的基调或态度,尤指与特定的环境或事物状态有联系: a prevailing atmosphere of distrust. 猜疑的主导基调 (5) The dominant tone or mood of a work of art. 基调:艺术作品中显著的风格或情调 (6) An aesthetic quality or effect, especially a distinctive and pleasing one, associated with a particular place: 美感,奇趣:艺术的特性或效果,尤指一种不同寻常的或令人愉悦的,与特定的地区相联系: a restaurant with an Old World atmosphere. 一个充满东半球情趣的小饭馆 语源 (1) New Latin atmosphaera 现代拉丁语 atmosphaera (2) Greek atmos [vapor] * see wet- 1 希腊语 atmos [蒸气] *参见 wet- 1 (3) Latin sphaera [sphere] * see sphere 拉丁语 sphaera [球,天体] *参见 sphere 现代英汉词典 atmosphere [5AtmEsfIE(r)] n. (1) 大气 (2) 空气 (3) 气氛 the exciting atmosphere of a football match 一场足球比赛的激动人心的气氛 现代英汉综合大辞典 atmosphere [5AtmEsfiE] n. (1) 大气(层), 气圈; 空气 (2) 周围情况, 环境, 气氛 (3) (艺术品的)基调; 风格 (4) 气压 (5) 【化】雾 (6) 【动】瞳点外圈 (7) 工程大气压 (8) 炉气 atmosphere pressure 大气压力 the somber atmosphere 阴沉忧郁的气氛 We live in an atmosphere of freedom. 我们生活在自由的环境中。 习惯用语 clear the atmospher


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