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??????????????????????????????? SUPPLIER AUDIT AND RATING GUIDELINES 供應商評估及評分指引 (For SQE application ; 供應商品質工程師適用) Prepared by : Raylon Hui Issue Date : 2001/4/10 Revision : B Section A: Material Management A部分: 物料管理 A1 RM/FG Warehouse 原料/成品 倉庫 A1.1 Zone segregation 區域隔离 No segregation 沒有隔离. Clear zone includes Receiving, IQC Passed, Waiting for Disposition (MRB), RTV, Special Material, Scrap. 清楚隔離區域,包括收貨區, IQC已檢合格區,待處理區(MRB),待退供應商區,特殊物料存放區,報發物料區. (1) + Material properly located handled timely. (1) + 物料正確放置;並能按時處理. (2) + Requirements documented (2) + 作業要求有文件証明. A1.2 Material identification 物料鑒別 Poor ID and labeling 標識方法及使用標簽執行差. Material ID label (name, P/N, supplier, lot, qty) and IQC passed label (name, P/N, inspector name (chop) and date) well used. 有效使用: 物料ID標簽(名稱,零件號碼,供應商,批數,數量) 及IQC檢驗合格的標籤(名稱, 零件號碼, 檢驗員姓名, 日期). (1) + Proper implementation and protection of labels. (1) + 標簽正確使用和保護. (2) + Requirement documented. (2) + 作業要求有文件証明. A1.3 Disposition of MRB materials 待檢討物料的處理 Direct return to vendors or scrap 直接退料給廠商或作廢料處理. MRB meeting in place for material review and disposition decision. 适當召開物料檢討會議,檢討物料狀況及作處理決策. (1) + MRB procedure properly implemented with every MRB disposition clearly recorded. (1) + 物料檢討程序正確執行,并清楚記錄每份MRB的處理細則. (2) + MRB procedures well defined and documented. (2) + 物料檢討程序定義清析并有文件証明. A1.4 Material protection 物料的保護 No special requirement or intention for material package protection. 對物料包裝保護方面沒有特別要求或意識. Proper sealing and protection of material carton after usage or opening by IQC or warehouse operator. IQC或倉管員開箱或取用物料后正確封箱和保護. (1) + Requirements well documented.


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