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B2U2 Unit test 91% 窗体顶端 Section A: Understanding short conversations In this section you’ll hear 5 short conversations. You are required to listen to the recording录音;记录ONLY ONCE and after each conversation, a question will be asked about what has been said. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices given. 1. Her vacation _misery A. It ended up being a week of total excitement. [兴奋] B. It ended up being a week of total happiness. C. It ended up being a week of total drama. 戏剧,戏剧艺术;剧本;戏剧性事件 D. It ended up being a week of total unhappiness. 2. What discussing A. A lecture about the precursors 先驱,前导to business. B. A lecture about business success. C. A lecture about the precursors to business success. D. A lecture about things 【you need to know】 finding success in business. 3. About nanki [good enough] A. She has not developed appropriately. B. She needs to develop better skills. C. She is developing at a normal rate. D. She needs to move to a better development. 4. A. The ballet entertained him. B. The ballet made him fall in love. C. The ballet saddened him with its theme of lost love. D. The ballet aroused feelings of lost love in him. 5. deaf A. The ability to see is essential. B. The ability to see is unnecessary. C. The ability to hear is essential. D. The ability to hear is unnecessary. Section B: Understanding a long conversation In this section you’ll hear a long conversation. You are required to listen to the recording ONLY ONCE. The conversation will be followed by 3 questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices given. Questions 6 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 6. Compare her story with the roller A. Because it was exciting and exhilarating. 令人愉快的;令人喜欢的;爽快的 B. Because it was dangerous. C. Because


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