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Module 1 每年的降雨量接近为零,严格的说,南极是一片沙漠 With annual rainfall close to zero, Antarctica is technically a desert. 平方公里 square kilometer 一条高耸的山脉横穿南极,从东到西,将南极分成两半。 A high mountain range, the Trans-Antarctic range, runs from east to west, cutting the continent in two. 南极拥有世界90%的冰,当然其大部分(70%)淡水都处于一种冰冻状态 Antarctica holds 90%of the worlds ice, and most of its fresh water (70%) is in a frozen state. 冰盖 冰冠冰帽 Ice Cap 在一些地方厚度可以达到5000米 In some places it reaches a depth of five kilometers. 恶劣的条件 extreme conditions It has become a window ____ the past. ___ the form of They stand out ______the white background and are easy to identify and collect. Antarctica was the last continent _____ (discover). 一个伟大的探险时代也随之开始了 the great age of exploration began. However, progress ____ the South Pole was slow. In 1985, a Norwegian called Carstens became the first man to set foot ___ the Antarctic mainland. 一种国际友谊已经代替了早期的探险家之间的相互竞争。 A spirit of international friendship has replaced the rivalry that existed between many of the earlier explorers. ___ particular 南极洲或许已经成为人类为了和平与发展而共同努力的最成功的标志。 Antarctica has become perhaps the most successful symbol of mans efforts to work together for progress and peace. _____ an expedition 登上船 board a ship The aim of the journey was to cross the frozen continent ___ the South Pole. 映入眼帘 come into sight 陷入 be trapped in 一块冰 a sheet of ice 一块浮冰 a floating piece of ice It was a risk but he would have to ____ it. Frozen describes the state of some piece of water (e.g. The river was frozen over.) or an object (e.g. It was so cold that the locks on the car door were frozen shut.), whereas icy is the state of something when it has frozen covered with ice (e.g. The roads were icy. The windows were icy.). Keep their spirits up It runs in the family. The glare of the sunlight here is very intense. 损害你的视力 damage your eyesight and get badly sunburnt Become numb ____ Absence 电子通讯 electronic communications Aircraft 南极科考站 the


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