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Breach and Infringement If Party A materially breaches this Contract, Party B or its successor in interest is entitled to terminate this Contract or claim damages for the breach of contract. If Party B materially breaches this Contract, Party A is entitled to request Party B, by issuing a written notice, to redress the breach within fifteen (15) days upon receiving such notice. If Party B fails to redress the breach within the fifteen (15)-day period, Party A is entitled to rescind the Contract and claim damages for the breach of contract. 如果甲方实质性违反本合同,乙方或其权益承继人有权终止本合同或要求得到损害赔偿。如果乙方实质性违反本合同,甲方经发出书面通知,有权要求乙方在收到书面通知后十五(15)天内改正违约行为。如果乙方在十五(15)天期限内未予改正,甲方则有权解除合同并要求得到违约赔偿。 If a Party materially fails to perform any of its obligations under this Contract or if a Party’s representation or warranty under this Contract is materially untrue or inaccurate, such Party shall be deemed to have breached this Contract. The Party in breach shall have thirty (30) days from receipt of a notice from the other Party specifying the breach to correct such breach if it is remediable. The Party in breach shall in any case be liable to the other Party for all damages caused by the breach. Liability for such damages shall not be waived in the event the non-breaching Party terminates this Contract under Article X. All remedies provided for herein and under law shall be cumulative. 如果一方实质上未履行其在本合同项下的任何义务,或一方在本合同项下的陈述或保证实质上是不真实的或不准确的,该方应被视为违反了本合同。违约方应在收到另一方指明其违约行为的通知后三十(30)日内,纠正其违约行为(若该违约行为是可以纠正的)。无论如何,违约方有责任赔偿另一方因该等违约而造成的一切损害。如果守约方根据X条终止本合同,违约方仍应给与损害赔偿。本合同规定的及法律规定的一切赔偿应是累积的。 The Licensee shall promptly notify the Licensor, in writing, of any acts of infringement or suspected infringement or acts of unfair competition involving the Trademarks and of any applications or registrations of confusingly similar marks which may come to its attention. The Licensee shall not be entitled to take any proceedings or call on the Licensor to take any proceedings in any of the aforesaid matters; provided, howe


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