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On Cross-cultural Education in English Language Teaching
Abstract :Nowadays,English has become a universal language which is playing an important part in international communication and cooperation. Due to the different value,religion,custom and history of each country,a foreign language learner studying a language means the study of a culture. Culture is a part of language and plays a very important role in language teaching.In recent years,the relationship between language and culture has become a key subject in teaching English as a foreign language.English teachers should not only teach language knowledge ,but also cultures which language loads.so the understanding of a new language requires the understanding of the other culture.However, for many years, the main work of English teaching has been focused on language teaching. Teachers and students do a lot in grammer ,phrases,structure and meanings.Hence, this traditional grammar-translation method failed to develop communicative competence. with the neglect of the cross-cultural awareness and unreasonable training method, the students often have a poor understanding of cross cultural differences in areas, such as the word meaning and the custom abroad, which can eventually lead to ignorance of English language background. Learning a language,as a matter of fact,is inseparable from learning its cultures.Therefore,language teaching and intercultural awareness is indispensable.English teachers should input the culture of English- speaking countries gradually and appropriately in TEFL.To cultivate the cross-cutural awareness in students is a better way for them to master and use the language.So,the development of Cross-culture education should be drawn more attention in English teaching.
Key Words: language teaching , Cross-cultural Education , obstacles, Solutions
Chapter 1
The present thesis aims at arousing the awearness of the importance of cross-cultural education in English tea
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