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中文摘要 在国际金融界,汇丰的历史无疑是引人入胜的。这家起源于香港、发展壮大于中国、继而扩张至全球的英资金融机构,在过去140多年的时间里,在权力与金钱的疆域内,演绎了一个又一个跌宕起伏的金融故事。汇丰的成长故事,可以使我们从一个侧面领悟到它独特的成功之道。凭借庞大的环球金融网络和对中国市场的深刻理解,汇丰在中国经济发展的各个关键时期都能及时作出正确判断,并积极稳妥地采取果断措施,不仅令其在中国市场的发展赢得先机,成为在中国内地最成功的外资银行之一,同时也为中国经济发展作出了重要贡献。本课题的研究目的,就在于从多角度出发分析汇丰银行发展模式,国内外状况,以及其银行的经营战略,并进而有助于我国银行业的良性发展。 关键词: 汇丰银行;经营战略;收购兼并 Abstract In the international financial sector, HSBC is undoubtedly a fascinating history. This originated in Hong Kong, the development and growth in China, and then expanding to the British-owned financial institutions around the world in the past 140 years time, the boundaries of power and money, the interpretation of the ups and downs one after another financial story. HSBCs growth story that can help us from a side realized that its unique success. With a huge global financial network and deep understanding of the Chinese market, HSBC in Chinas economic development in all critical period of time can make the correct decision and take decisive measures to actively and steadily, not only to make it won in the Chinese market development opportunities, be in China one of the most successful foreign banks, but also for Chinas economic development has made important contributions. The purpose of the study subjects, is that from the perspective of many HSBC Bank model of development, domestic and international situation and the banks business strategy , and thus contribute to the sound development of Chinas banking industry. Key Words:HSBC Bank, Business Strategy, The acquisition of M A 引 言 近年来,汇丰银行在中国的投资业绩,令国际金融界刮目相看。从汇丰银行张驰有度地入股中国银行业、见缝插针地在中国发展私人金融业务到大张旗鼓地在中国开展非银行金融业务,全面展示了这个国际优秀金融控股集团在中国成功的投资战略,这无疑对我国发展中的金融投资企业具有很大的借鉴和启示作用。 一.汇丰银行的发展历程 (一)、汇丰集团的概况 汇丰集团(HSBC)总部设于伦敦的汇丰集团是全球规模最大的银行及金融机构之一。汇丰集团在欧洲、亚太地区、美洲、中东及非洲76个国家和地区拥有约9,500间附属机构。汇丰在伦敦证券交易所、香港证券交易所、纽约证券交易所、巴黎证券交易所及百慕达证券交易所等证券交易所上市,全球股东约有200,000,分布于100个国家和地区。雇有232000名员工。汇丰银行在全球拥有超过1亿1千万的顾客,     通过以先进科技联接的国际网络,以及快速发展的电子商务能力,汇丰提供广泛的银行及金融服务:个人金融服务;工商业务;企业银行、投资银行


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