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With the development of computer technology and the expansion of Internet, the computer has become essential part to peoples lives and work At the same time, computer virus is attacking computer and network day by day. In the open network environment, the computer virus has much more harm than before, especially in the recent years, the virus are spreading through the Internet rapidly,are also expanding the scope of damage, that brings huge economic losses. Therefore, it is an import and urgent research topic to enhance the prevention of computer virus in order to ensure the safety of the computer’s information in the current process of computer. At the same time,.building a safe
and healthy internet environment is the top priority to create harmonious society
Firstly, the emergence and development background of the computer virus is introduced in the paper ,and which also described the structure and transmission of them There are thousands of existing types of computer viruses, they are classified by their characteristic in the paper the dangers are analyzed detailly to catch the attention of the people
Secondly, with the combination of biological viruses spread model to analyze SIS model and the SIR model spreading by computer viruses, and taking the influence of human factors into account, analyze the two-factor model in theory
Finally, there is a detailed analysis of the symptoms of computer infected by virus and virus detection technology. How to respond to the increasing computer viruses, the most important thing is to have a healthy online habits and know some basic anti-virus knowledge.
Keywords: computer viruses, virus spreading model, classification ,hazard control strategies of virus
一 计算机病毒概述
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