
毕业设计论文-论宋徽宗对宋代绘画的影响 .doc

毕业设计论文-论宋徽宗对宋代绘画的影响 .doc

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本科生毕业论文 论文题目: 论宋徽宗对宋代绘画的影响 作 者: 学号:2010061129 院 系:美术学院 年级:2010级 学 科:艺术学 专业:美术学 指导教师: 职称:副教授 完成日期:2014年5月10日 曲靖师范学院教务处 论宋徽宗对宋代绘画的影响 摘 要 中国绘画历史悠久,源远流长,经过长期演进发展成为具有民族特色的一种艺术形式。宋代绘画是中国绘画发展的最高峰,宋代绘画的主流又是其宫廷绘画。宋徽宗身为帝王,又是一个造诣极高的艺术家,他的特殊身份、个人爱好及审美趣味深深影响了宋代绘画的发展。宋徽宗使画院上升到前所未有的高度,培养了一批优秀的艺术家,避免了特取其形似的院体画走向工俗的死胡同,一直努力将诗性因素注入到绘画中的宋徽宗,也开启了在画面上题诗的新局面,这不仅为花鸟画的创作提供了一种新的样式,也为后世文人画所提倡的诗、书、画、印的结合奠定了基础。 关键词:宋代绘画;宋徽宗;影响;画院;文人气质 On the influence of the Song Dynasty Emperor Huizongpainting Abstract: China painting has a long history, has a long history, after a long evolution becomes a form of art with national characteristics. The painting in Song Dynasty is the peak China painting development, the mainstream of the Song Dynasty painting is the painting. Emperor Huizong emperor, is a consummate artist, his special status, personal interests and tastes have deeply influenced the development of the Song Dynasty painting. Song Huizong made the painting rose to hitherto unknown height, and cultivate a group of outstanding artists, to avoid the similar to the painting work dead end, has been trying to poetic factors into the painting of Song Huizong, also opened a new situation of poems on the canvas, which not only provides a new style as the flower and bird painting creation, laid the foundation for the later also advocated literati painting poetry, books, paintings, printing and binding. Keywords:Paintings of Song Dynasty; Song Huizong; influence; painting; literati temperament 目 录 引言......................................................................1 文献综述.......................................................................................................................



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