
毕业设计论文-氏族宗谱管理系统设计 .doc

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编号 本科生毕业设计(论文) 题目: 氏族宗谱管理系统 工程 学院 计算机科学与技术专业 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 二〇一二年六月 摘 要 宗谱,又称族谱、家乘、祖谱、家谱等.一种以表谱形式,记载一个以血缘关系为主体的家族世系繁衍和重要人物事迹的特殊图书体裁.宋代以前,宗谱只作为官吏铨选和巨姓望族婚姻门第参考的依据;宋元时代,民间开始为了说世系、序长幼、辨亲疏、尊祖敬宗开始编纂宗谱,宗谱的编纂逐渐由官方垄断走向民间私修,但是未形成风气;从明代开始,民间大族纷纷开始编纂宗谱,各地同宗之间的联系也更为紧密,宗族文化开始了一个飞跃的发展.但是从清末到新中国文革期间,由于战乱和文化方针的阻扰和破坏,宗族文化陷入低潮.随着社会的发展,自九十年代以来,人们对于自己的宗族文化开始关注起来,各地宗谱纷纷重修,也为宗族文化带来了新的活力.随着科技的发展和人们对于精神文明的需求,宗谱作为中华五千年来最具有平民色彩的文献也需要融入信息化的进程.因此,创建一个氏族宗谱管理系统对于继承这一文化是十分重要的.本系统通过创建家族树来显示氏族成员之间的血缘关系.本系统的实现,将会填补我国信息化进程中在平民文化上的空白,继续继承和发展我国特色的平民氏族文化. 关键词:氏族宗谱;家族树;血缘关系;信息发布 ABSTRACT Genealogy, also known as lineage, family multiply progenitor spectrum, genealogy, etc. A reproduction of the form of a table spectrum, recorded a blood relationship, the main family lineage and an important figure in deeds special book genre. Before the Song Dynasty, Genealogy only considered as the basis of official selection and the reference of the giant surname family in marriage; Song and Yuan times, in order to describe descent and relationship, respect the ancestors, lineages began compiling genealogy, genealogy compilation gradually changed from official monopoly to private repair, but not the formation of the atmosphere; from the Ming Dynasty, almost every clan have started compiling genealogical ,and the relationships of the same clan become closer, clan culture began a quick development. But from the late Qing Dynasty to the Cultural Revolution in new China, war and cultural policy became the biggest obstruction and destruction to the clan culture. Since the 1990s with the development of society, people pay more attention to their own clan culture ,and the many genealogies have been rebuilt, also the culture of clan has brought new vitality. With the development of technology and the demand for spiritual civilization, genealogy as the literatu


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