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Abstract “Property law”has been issued in October 1, 2007 begin implementation of a total of one of the common system in real life the importance of self-evident. However, in the course of their specific purposes, there are some deficiencies and shortcomings, for instance, a common type of total is less clear, share a common problem shared by unclear, The common property of the action and its impact on the total problem of the management structures of the exercise of the rights and obligations and commitment to the provisions of fuzzy, The nature of partnership property to be identified and so on. In any case, we are now facing is a has already begun implementation of, and adjust the actual life of Chinese civil society law. To explain the position on the study of the law as specified in the application of the law in question likely to be encountered by law to explain the technology, the elimination of the legal reasons because of the existence of legislation inherently. To this end, I tried to focus on below, property law there are provisions regarding the common and the importance of the application of the law at will encounter some of the questions above to analyze and make recommendations. Key Words:Total common;Share;Common relationship;Partnership property 试论我国共同共有制度的完善 共同共有是指两个或两个以上的人基于共同关系,对共有的不动产或者动产它贴近生活,定了资源合理配置,民间纠纷有效解决。《中华人民共和国婚姻法》明确规定:夫妻在婚姻关系存续期间所取得的财产 ,归夫妻共同所有,双方另有约定的除外。由此明确确立了以共同财产制为主,以约定财产制为辅的夫妻财产制。夫妻双方在婚姻关系存续期间所得的下列财产,为夫妻共同财产?婚姻法规定,夫妻在婚姻关系存续期间所得的下列财产,归夫妻共同所有:(一)工资、奖金;(二)生产、经营的收益;(三)知识产权的收益;(四)继承或赠与所得的财产,但婚姻第十八条第三项规定的除外;(五)其他应当归共同所有的财产。夫妻对共同所有的财产,有平等的处理权。 2.家庭共有财产 家庭共有财产是指家庭成员在家庭共同生活关系存续期间共同创造、共同所得的财产家庭共同财产具有以下特征其一、家庭共有财产必须以家庭共同生活关系的存续为基础,离开这一基础,家庭共有财产将无从谈起其二、家庭共有财产必须是家庭成员共同创造、共同取得的财产,以及在此基础上购置和积累起来的财产;其、家庭共有财产的权利主体可以是全体家庭成员,也可以是部分家庭成员,具体情况应依财产的来源而定。将家庭共有财产仅定位于“全体”家庭成员共有是不准确的家庭成员对家庭共有财产共同享有一个所有权,无份额之分。只有在家庭共同生活关系终止以后,才能对家庭共有财产进行分割。家庭成员对家庭共有财产享有平等的权利,除法律另有规定或家庭成员之间另有约定外,对于家庭共有财产的使用、收益和处分,应由家庭成员协商一致进行。 4.合伙企业财产 关于合伙财产究竟属于按份共有还是共同共有,存在争议。


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