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Abstract The 21st century is the human society as well as the personalized society. Any consumption including tourism consumption has formed a personalized orientation. This is in accord with the trend of development of human society and show the value orientation of social progress. Standardized service in the hotel has been widely challenged. Personalized services has played an increasingly important role in meeting the various special and complex needs of guests, improving the hotel’s operation benefits and competitiveness. This paper is based on the relevant documents of the personalized service to research, and then elaborates personalized service’s definition, content, the relations to standardized service, necessity and so on. Next, the paper analyzes in detail Chinese hotel’s development present situation, and gives some views and advices to solve the remaining problems of personalized service of our country. Finally, give some typical cases to further discussion and analysis. Thus, hope to provide a basis and reference for our hotels’ personalized service and promote it better development. Key Words:Hotel service, Personalized service, Standardized service, Issue,Strategy 目 录 中文摘要 1 Abstract 2 1.研究背景和研究意义 1 1.酒店业实施个性化服务的背景 1 1.1.1近年酒店业服务理念的变革 1 1.1.2我国酒店业未来发展的趋势 2 1.2酒店实施个性化服务的意义 2 2.个性化服务研究综述 3 2.1国内外的个性化服务研究 3 2.2酒店个性化服务的概念 4 2.3酒店个性化服务的内容 4 2.4酒店个性化服务与酒店传统标准化服务的关系 6 3.我国酒店个性化服务的现状、问题及策略分析 7 3.1我国酒店实施个性化服务的现状 7 3.2我国酒店实施个性化服务存在的问题 8 3.3我国酒店个性化服务的实施策略分析 9 3.3.1提供个性化服务的原则 9 3.3.2实施个性化服务的注意要点 9 3.3.3解决我国个性化服务存在问题的对策 11 4.案例研究——以天子大酒店实施个性化服务为例 14 4.1天子大酒店介绍 14 4.2酒店中的新家园 15 4.3解析天子大酒店的个性化服务 16 4.3.1硬、软件结合的个性化服务 16 4.3.2个性化服务为酒店带来的优势 16 4.4小结 17 5.结论 17 参考文献 18 致 谢 19 1.研究背景和研究意义 1.1 酒店业实施个性化服务的背景 1.1.1 近年酒店业服务理念的变革 在服务的时代,谁能赢得顾客,谁就能取得优势。赢得顾客的关键,在于适应顾客的需求,制造出顾客的满意。而要适应顾客的需求,就要调整企业的标准。 1、传统酒店的标准——生活的经验 住宿业是随着旅行和旅游的发展不断演进的。早期由于参加旅行的人数较少,且绝大多数外出者都是徒步或乘公共马车旅行,所以分布于大道沿线和主要城镇中的客栈及类似场所就作为主要的食宿接待设施,向旅行者提供一些基本的服务,并没有专门的服务人员,服务的内容和方式则完全来源于生活经验。1829年以在


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