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我国现代国有企业员工激励机制研究 摘要 在深化经济体制改革的大时代背景下,各种形式的企业间的竞争将会愈发激烈。那么,为了让自身在异常激烈的企业竞争中立于不败之地,实现企业的长期目标,企业必须要想方设法去解决自身面临的问题。能够帮助企业在激烈的竞争中取得胜利,并能完成制定的企业目标的一种重要方法是对员工进行激励。激励的过程是满足员工需要,发挥员工积极性,激发员工创造性,从而利用企业宝贵的人力资源,全面提高企业竞争力的过程。此外,搞好国有企业发展和改革的关键是建立健全经营者激励机制,发挥其在国有企业改革发展中的重要作用。但是,我国国有企业并未形成科学有效、适应市场经济体制发展的激励制度,这在很大程度上使经营者的经营行为扭曲,并使其对盈亏责任意识弱化。如若不改变上述现状,则国有企业改革将不能继续深化。所以,我们有义务、有责任、有必要去系统研究国有企业激励机制。在广泛查找和翻阅相关书籍及调查报告的情况下,本文从深入研究激励概念及相关理论开始,然后系统分析了中外企业员工激励方面的历程及研究成果,以现代激励理论为基础理论指导,深入分析我国国有企业员工激励的现状及存在的问题,并且提出了相应的意见和建议。接着将某大型国有企业的激励机制做为研究对象,从多个角度剖析该企业员工激励成效,并从中进行经验总结和整理。最后,结合当今我国国有企业改革的时代背景,在宏观上对建立健全我国国有企业激励机制提出相应的建议。 关键词: 国有企业 激励 员工激励 改革 Modern state-owned enterprise employees incentive mechanism research in our country Abstract 窗体底端 With the deepening of economic system reform of our country, all kinds of enterprises will face fierce competition. How in the increasingly fierce competition in the market economy unbeaten, achieve long-term goals of enterprises, all enterprises must consider the problem. For the enterprise staff motivation is to help enterprises to win in the competition, an important method to achieve the overall goal of reservation. The incentive process is to stimulate the enthusiasm of employees through meet the needs of employees, so as to make full use of the most valuable resources of enterprises, human resources, improve the competitiveness of enterprises. But at present, Chinas state-owned enterprises has not yet formed a reasonable and effective. a then the status of incentive mechanism of a large state-owned enterprises as the research object, analyzed from eight aspects the enterprise incentive mechanism, and to summarize experience, finally, combined with the new situation facing the reform of state-owned enterprises in China at present, the incentive mechanism to promote Chinas state-owned enterprises from the macro perspective The establishment of the analysis of the problem, put forward the proposal. Key words: state-owne


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