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安徽*****学院 专科科毕业论文 题  目:   安徽省大渡口镇物流发展分析        学生姓名:   ****   学号: ****** 系 别:   管理系      专业:  物流管理   入学时间:   ****   年     **  月 导师姓名:  *****     职称/学位: ******** 导师所在单位:      安徽****学院        完成时间:   *******    年   ******    月 安徽省大渡口镇物流发展分析 摘要 大力发展现代物流业,不仅是促进物流业自身平稳较快发展和产业优化升级的需要,也是服务和支撑其他产业的调整与发展、增加消费和扩大就业的需要,对于促进产业结构调整、转变经济发展方式和增强经济增长内生动力具有重要意义。物流业是融合运输业、仓储业和信息业等的复合型服务产业,是国民经济的重要组成部分,涉及领域广,吸纳就业人数多,促进生产、拉动消费作用大[1]。安徽省大渡口镇是隶属于池州市东至县的一个现代化城镇,与安庆市区隔江对望。该镇的经济社会发展主要是农业与工业,物流需求旺盛,物流市场潜力较大,但是目前该镇的物流发展态势却并不理想。本文运用实地调查方法对该镇的物流发展现状进行详细的调查分析,在介绍该镇经济社会与基础设施情况基础上对该镇目前物流发展特点以及存在的问题进行具体分析,最后就如何优化大渡口镇的物流提出具体的策略建议,希望对该镇的物流业有所帮助,以及推而广之。   关键词:安徽大渡口镇;物流需求;物流供给 Analysis on the logistics development of Dadukou town of Anhui province Abstract   Vigorously developing modern logistics industry is not only necessary to promote the steady and rapid development and the optimization and upgrading of logistics industry but also necessary to service and support the adjustment and development of other industries ,to increase consumption and expand employment.At the same time ,it has important significance to promote the adjustment of industrial structure,transform economic development mode and enhance the endogenous driving force of economic growth.Logistics industry is a comprehensive service industry integration of transport, warehousing and information industry and an important part of the national economy which relates to the fields that are extremely wide.Logistics industry plays an important role in increasing employment, promoting production, stimulating consumption.This paper has used field investigation method to investigate and analyze the logistics development status of the town detailedly.Then based on the introduction of the social economic and infrastructure,the anther has analyze the development characteristics and the problems of the logistics of the town and put forwa


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