sa8000社会责任标准 2014版SA8000 国际标准_中英文.doc

sa8000社会责任标准 2014版SA8000 国际标准_中英文.doc

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sa8000社会责任标准 2014版SA8000 国际标准_中英文 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“2014版SA8000 国际标准_中英文”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92的支持! Social Accountability 8000 2014版SA8000 国际标准(必威体育精装版英中文本) International Standard by Social Accountability International June 2014 SA8000?: 2014 Supersedes previous versions: 2001, 2004 and 2008 The official language of this Standard and supporting documents is English. In the case of inconsistency between versions, reference shall default to the English version. Contents 内容 I. INTRODUCTION 前言 1. Intent and Scope 目的与范围 2. Management System 管理体系 II. NORMATIVE ELEMENTS AND THEIR INTERPRETATION 规范性原则及其解释 III. DEFINITIONS 定义 IV. SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY REQUIREMENTS 社会责任规范 1. Child Labour 童工 2. Forced or Compulsory Labour强迫或强制性劳动 3. Health and Safety 健康与安全 4. Freedom of Association Right to Collective Bargaining 自由结社及集体谈判权利 5. Discrimination 歧视 6. Disciplinary Practices 惩戒性措施 7. Working Hours 工作时间 8. Remuneration 工资 9. Management System 管理体系 I.INTRODUCTION 前言 1. Intent and Scope 目的与范围 Intent: The intent of SA8000 is to provide an auditable, voluntary standard, based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights, ILO and other international human rights and labour norms and national labour laws, to empower and protect all personnel within an organisation?s control and influence who provide products or services for that organisation, including personnel employed by the organisation itself and by its suppliers, sub-contractors, sub-suppliers and home workers. It is intended that an organisation shall comply with this Standard through an appropriate and effective Management System. 目的:本标准目的在于提供一个基于联合国人权宣言,国际劳工组织(ILO)和其他国际人权惯例,劳动定额标准以及国家法律的标准,授权并保护所有在公司控制和影响范围内的生产或服务人员,包括公司自己及其供应商,分包商,分包方雇用的员工和家庭工人。 Scope: It is universally applicable to every type of organisation, regardless of e.g., its size, geographic location or industry sector. 范围:本标准各项规定具有普遍适用性,不受地域、产业类别和公司规模限制。 2. Management System 管理系统 Throughout your review of the next eight elements of SA8000, the requirem


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