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the last chapter翻译 英语翻译 chapter 4 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“英语翻译 chapter 4”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92的支持! Chpater 4 Lexical Translation: Numerals and Units 1. Numerals精确数词翻译 1) Some English numbers 一些英语数字的翻译 English Words American Use British Use Billion 109 (十亿) 1012(万亿) Trillion 1012(万亿) 1018(百万兆) Quadrillion 1015(千万亿) 1024(万亿兆) Quintillion 1018 (1000的6次幂) 1030 (100万的5次幂) Foreign funds flowed into China in a spectacular way. The stock of foreign investment grew from under $5billion in 1989 to nearly $90billion by 1994. 中国现有草地面积3.9亿公顷, 其中可利用面积3.2亿公顷, 居世界第三位. 在1997年, 中国进出口总额还不到150亿美元, 仅占世界贸易总额的0.6%. by thousands数以千计 大量 by hundreds数以百计 by (the) millions数以百万计 by halves不完全地 thousands of数千,数以千计 hundreds of 数百 数以百计 hundreds of thousands几十万; 无数的 thousands upon thousands成千上万 millions upon millions of千百万 tens of, decades of数十个 dozens of 几打;几十个 scores of 许多 billions of 几十亿 hundreds of millions亿万 a thousand and one 无数的 a hundred and one许多 ten to one 十之八九 nine cases out of ten十之八九 nine tenths 十分之九;几乎全部 tens of thousands好几万 several millions of 数百万 fifty-fifty各半的;对半;平均 by one hundred percent 百分之百地;全部 a long hundred 一百多;一百二十 a few tens of十分之几有几成 by twos and threes 三三两两 in two twos 转眼;立即 at sixes and sevens乱七八糟 one or two少许;几个 first of all首先 second to none 首屈一指 last but one倒数第二 a decade of 10个;一组 a score of 20个一组 a dozen 12个;一打 a long dozen 13个 They packed the oranges . We do nothing . Her name ranks Let’s go 2)Translation of Approximate Numbers 约数的翻译 1) More than, above, over, past, in excess of, or more, long, odd, etc. Can be used to express Chinese 多于,多,超过,etc. Compare the versions in the following examples. 100多公斤 1000多英里 3个多小时 1公里多 6万多 六万几千 八十几厘米 八百零几克 据说这个孩子的体重有100多磅. 我花了两个多小时才完成家庭作业. 这辆车已经跑了1000多英里. 这所师范学校有3000多名学生. 她80多了. 2)Less than, under, b


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