应急照明配电箱系统图 某小区供配电及其照明系统设计.doc

应急照明配电箱系统图 某小区供配电及其照明系统设计.doc

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应急照明配电箱系统图 某小区供配电及其照明系统设计 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“某小区供配电及其照明系统设计”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92的支持! 摘 要 建筑业的发展是人类文明与进步的重要标志,从修建遮蔽风雨的洞穴到今天各种风格和功能的大型建筑物,进入21世纪以来,随着城市规模的不断扩大,小区供配电负荷较大,负荷分配分散以及供电回路数量较多的特点,要提高层建筑配电系统的可靠性,要正确选择各类配电设备的容量,就必须科学、合理的进行负荷计算。在本设计中,要求完成对住宅小区供配电系统设计,主要包括照明系统、低压供配电系统、负荷计算、防雷与接地系统。论文针对住宅小区电气 的设计和使用需要,在重点表述低压供配电系统、负荷计算和防雷与接地系统的 同时,侧重于电气基本理论和基本知识。设计中,总体按照民用建筑设计规范来 建立设计的整体思路,并完成低压供配电、负荷计算、设备选型、照明计算,插座选取。 关键词:负荷计算,配电系统,防雷设计,照明 Abstract Construction and progress of human civilization development is an important symbol, from the cave to shelter from bad weather to build a variety of styles and functions of today#39;s large building into the 21st century, with the continuous expansion of city size, over the load cell power supply large, decentralized load distribution and characteristics of a large number of power supply circuit, to improve distribution system reliability story building, to correctly select the capacity of various types of distribution equipment, it must be scientific and rational for load calculation.In this design, the requirements for completion of the residential distribution system design, including lighting, low voltage power supply system, load calculation, lightning protection and grounding systems.Thesis, the design of residential areas and the use of electrical needs, expressed in the focus voltage power supply system, load calculation, and lightning protection and grounding system at the same time, focusing on the basic theory and basic



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