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Farmland Preservation 二、A classification of land uses by type The valuation and use of land 在某种意义上,土地经济的研究是研究自然资源经济学基础和开端。显然土地是投入到许多经济活动(农业和林业;住宅,商业和工业,以及矿产勘查)中的重要成分。它也是自然界中各种生态系统的基础。 In a sense, the study of land economics was the beginning of the economics of natural resources . land is clearly an important input factor into many economic activities-agriculture and forestry; residential, commercial, and industrial uses; and mineral exploration. it also supports an enormous variety of ecosystems The concept of land use-capacity How to make the land have the highest use-capacity? 怎样充分发挥土地利用潜能? * Where shall I buried ? 葬我于何地 Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. The forms of burial vary among Chinas nation, including cremation,?inhumation, ``water burial and ``sky burial (exposure burial) 中国民族的丧葬习俗各有不同,有火葬、土葬、水葬、天葬等不同的葬法 。 Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. 土葬起源于原始社会,那时就有这个风俗。还有后来的夏,殷等许多朝代都是采用土葬。进入阶级社会后,有了明显的尊卑贵贱的等级差别 . Inhumation,a custom then,stemmed from primitive society. Then numerous dynasties includingXia and shang adopted it. Entering into class society,there are more obvious differences in wealth and status. Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. Some reasons follow: 1,Respect for the physical remains 2,Many cultures believe in an afterlife (来世) 3,Many religions prescribe a particular way to live, which includes customs relating to disposal of the dead 4,Burial can be seen as an attempt to bring closure to the deceaseds family and friends 5,A decomposing body releases unpleasant gases related to decomposition. As such, burial is seen as a means of preventing smells from expanding into open air Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty L


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