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DaimlerChrysler Customer-Specific Requirements For Use With ISO/TS 16949 1. Scope ISO/TS 16949 and this document define fundamental quality system requirements for suppliers (see Definitions 3.10), as an alternative to QS-9000, Quality System Requirements. These requirements shall be included in any scope of registration/certification to ISO/TS 16949 issued by a IATF-recognized and IATF-contracted certification body in order for the ISO/TS 16949 certificate to be recognized as satisfying DaimlerChrysler supplier criteria for third party registration/certification. (See ISO/TS 16949 Foreward, Remarks for certification). ISO/TS 16949 is also applicable to assemblers of production parts or materials and to Vehicle Assembly Plants. Service parts and materials applicability does not include aftermarket (See Definitions 3.2) parts or suppliers. All ISO/TS 16949 requirements and the requirements of this document shall be documented in the supplier’s quality system. The English language version of ISO/TS 16949 and this document shall be the official version for purposes of third party registration. Translations of ISO/TS 16949 published by SMMT (British), VDA (German), SODEGEC (French), and ANFIA (Italian) are acceptable for purposes of third party registration. Sanctioned translations of this document shall: be for reference only, reference the English version as the official language, and include DaimlerChrysler, Ford, and GM in the copyright statement. Any other translations are not authorized. Copies of this document are available from AIAG. 2. References 2.1 Chrysler, Ford, General Motors QS-9000, Quality System Requirements, Third Edition, March, 1998. 2.2 DaimlerChrysler, Ford General Motors Production Part Approval Process (PPAP), Third Edition Sept, 1999. (Does not apply to Vehicle Assembly Plants) 2.3 Chrysler, Ford, General Motors Statistical Process Control (SPC) reference


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