行列式初等变换 行列式在初等数学中的应用.doc

行列式初等变换 行列式在初等数学中的应用.doc

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行列式初等变换 行列式在初等数学中的应用 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“行列式在初等数学中的应用”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92的支持! 行列式在初等数学中的应用 [摘要] 行列式是线性代数的一个基本的内容,它是依赖于变元排列位置的一种特殊的代数式.在初等数学中应用它,可以沟通代数和几何间的联系,从数形结合方面又开辟了新的思考途径.主要应用于解线性方程组和研究有关矩阵问题然而,在教学中教师一般仅作为上述内容的介绍,这对于培养学生的分析问题和解决问题的能力,培养学生的创造性思维,提高学生的数学素养只局限于这些内容就显得有些不足.而本文出于此种目的,利用行列式的性质与计算方法的技巧可以较为容易地解决初等数学中的一些较繁与较难解决的问题, 如运用行列式分解因式, 证明等式与不等式, 以及在几何方面的应用, 从而体现用高等数学理论与方法解决初等数学问题的优越性,挖掘行列式在初等数学解题中的一些有效应用. [关键词] 行列式 分解因式 不等式 几何应用 The determinant role in elementary mathematics [Abstract] The determinant in mathematics, is a kind of formula produced by solving linear equations, is the important tool of solving math problems. By using the properties of determinant and the calculation methods of skills can be easy to solve some of the elementary mathematics a more complex and more difficult to solve the problems, such as using the determinant factorization, prove equality and inequality, as well as the application in geometry, which reflected in higher mathematics theory and method of the advantages of solving the problem of elementary mathematics. Elementary mathematics, the author of this paper some of the complex difficult problem, through some properties of determinant and computational techniques to change numerous for brief, through specific examples show the method is simple and artifice. Let the reader can fully experience the advantages of dealing with elementary mathematics methods in the higher mathematics. Grasp the elementary knowledge of determinant for open mathematics view, the exercise of mathematical thinkin



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