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Xi’an International Studies University IMPORTANT: YOUR ASSIGNMENT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR ASSESSMENT WITHOUT COVERING SHEETS! BTEC HND PROGRAMME: Unit No. 21 Unit Title: Human Resource Management Assignment No. 1 Assignment Title: A Case Study of the air traffic controller strike TO BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT: STUDENTS MUST SUBMIT HARD AND SOFT COPY OF EACH ASSIGNMENT FOR ASSESOR USE ONLY: ACTUAL SUBMISSIONTIME AND DATE:__________________ SIGNED:_________ Xi’an International Studies University IMPORTANT: YOUR ASSIGNMENT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR ASSESSMENT WITHOUT COVERING SHEETS! ASSIGNMENT BRIEF Unit level: H1 Unit no: 21 Date of issue: 31st Mar 2011 Lecturer: 苗珊珊( Shanshan MIAO) Unit Title: Managing activities to achieve results Submission Deadline: 15th April 2011 Assignment No: 1 Assignment Title: A Case Study of the Air Traffic Controller Strike Unit Outcomes, Assessment Criteria, and Grading Criteria: Outcome No(s) Assessment Criteria 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4 4.1 4.2 Investigate the traditional view of personnel management and the new approach of human resource management distinguish between ‘personnel management’ and ‘human resource management’ and discuss the historical development and changing context in which they operate assess the role, tasks and activities of the human resource practitioner evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource practices Evaluate the procedures and practices used for recruiting and selecting suitable employees analyze the need for human resource planning, the information required and the stages involved in this process compare the structured process for recruitment in two organizations and evaluate the methods and media that can be used evaluate the interview as a selection technique and discuss a range of alternative selection methods av


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