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什么是全球化? 全球化是描述全球社会出现的一个术语,在这个社会中,世界上一个区域在经济、政治、环境、文化方面的事件会很快对世界其它地区的人们产生重大影响。 What Is Globalization? Globalization is a term for the emergence of a global society in which economic, political, environmental, and cultural events in one part of the world quickly come to have significance for people in other parts of the world. 全球化是通信、运输、信息科技发展的结果。它体现了连接个体、社区、公司以及各国政府间日益增长的经济、政治、科技文化联系。 Globalization is the result of advances in communication, transportation, and information technologies. It describes the growing economic, political, technological, and cultural linkages that connect individuals, communities, businesses, and governments around the world. 全球化包括多国公司和跨国公司的成长。监管世界贸易和金融的国际机构在全球化时代发挥着日益重要的作用。 Globalization also involves the growth of multinational corporations and transnational corporations. The international institutions that oversee world trade and finance play an increasingly important role in this era of globalization. 尽管绝大多数人依然是单一国家的公民,然而他们却比以往任何时候在文化上、物质上、心理上更多地参与着其他国家人民的生活。 Although most people continue to live as citizens of a single nation, they are culturally, materially, and psychologically engaged with the lives of people in other countries as never before. 遥远的事件通常会产生迅速重大的影响,我们生活中的日常用品,如我们穿的衣服、吃的食物、开的汽车—都是全球化的产品。 Distant events often have an immediate and significant impact. Items common to our everyday lives—such as the clothes we wear, the food we eat, and the cars we drive—are the products of globalization.全球化最明显的证据是贸易和资本(股票、债券、货币和其他投资)流动的增长。自1950年到2001年全球出口额增加了20倍。到2001年世界贸易已增至全球生产的产品和提供的服务总和的四分之一。 The most dramatic evidence of globalization is the increase in trade and the movement of capital (stocks, bonds, currencies, and other investments). From 1950 to 2001 the volume of world exports rose by 20 times. By 2001 world trade amounted to a quarter of all the goods and services produced in the world. 就资本而言,在20世纪70年代早期,日成交货币只有一百亿美元到两百亿美元。到21世纪初,日货币交易已逾1.5兆亿美元。 As for capital, in the early 1970s only $10 billion to $20 bill


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