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UNIT7 MAKING A JUDGEMENT One of the tasks required of a reader is that of making judgments,and the ability to make a sound judgment is an essential reading skill.A judgment is a reasonable and sound decision based on evidence. Different judgments can be made based on the same evidence.It is possible,for example for two people to view the same cloudy sky on the same morning.One might judge that the day will be rainy and decide to bring his umbrella with him to work.The other might judge that the clouds will pass and that the day will be sunny.He might leave the house with neither raincoat nor umbrella.There is an element of personal opinion involved in most judgments.Even so,the judgment must still be based on reason and evidence. Before you can arrive at a judgment,you must proceed through these three steps:(1) you must first understand the facts or evidence;(2)you must next evaluate them; and (3)then you can make your decision. 1. DIRECTIONS:The last sentence in each paragraph is unfinished.Make a proper choice to complete it as a judgment to the paragraph. Example:Although I have tried to do it frequently,my effort has been to no avail.For me,to do this well seems to be a most _a_ a.difficult thing.b.necessary thing.c.interesting thing.d.foolish thing 1) Deep-sea diving involves many risks,and the diver must be alert at all times.A careless diver will soon meet with an accident.The job is really one for a man who is_________ a.daring. b.strong. c.frightened. d. careful. 2) The fighter plane’s great speed actually works against the pilot.He cannot sight and fire conventional guns efficiently,because he does not have enough________ a.crew. b.ability. c.time. 3) The worth of a product is basically dependent upon the quality of the materials from which it is made.If a tailor is to make a good coat,he must start with______ a.good cloth. b.correct fitting.c.conservative styling.d. artistic inspiration 4) When cornered,the


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