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Unit 7 There’s Only Luck ? I. 背景知识介绍(Background knowledge ) 1. Street crime in the US Street crime has been a constant threat to American society. No one dares to stay away from home at night; no one feels secure even in his or her own neighborhood. Since president Nixon, things have changed even for the worse. According to statistics compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the crime rate more than doubled in the US during the q970s. Violent crime skyrocketed: the number of muggings or robberies increased more than 250%, the number of murder more than 100%, and the number of assaults more than 150%. 2. Crime prevention In the United States today, more attention is given to ways of prevention of crime. There are special police programs and training programs in self-defense are aimed at helping citizens guard themselves. Police departments have even offered to citizens “tips” on how to take precautions while walking at night. For example, people are told “not to walk near dark buildings or high shrubbery or parked cars, ” and “never to take short cuts through alleys or parks at night.” They are advised “to look up to a light in the window as if someone nearby is making you feel uncomfortable and pretend someone is waiting for you and is watching out for you.” In some neighborhoods large “eye” signs are posted very conspicuously to indicate that the place is closely watched by police. But just as the author of this article says, no matter what precautions you take, an assault or mugging could happen to you anywhere, anytime. “Security is an illusion” and what you can do is to trust yourself only to “luck”. 3. One major reason for street crime in the US The possession of guns by American individuals constitutes one of the major reasons for street crime in the United States. In some cities and states of the US, it is illegal to possess hand guns; in others one may possess them but they must be registered with the police; in other places there are no restrictio


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