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生产件批准程序 Production Part Approval Procedure 文件编号: VTP-QP-17 版本:A0 Document No.: VTP-QP-17 Revision: A0 起 草: Prepared by 审 核: Reviewed by 审 批: Approved by 机密等级: Security Classification: 受控状态: Control Status: ???????? ?? 发布日期: Release Date: 执行日期: Effective Date: 文件修订履历表 Revision History 序号 No. 修订内容摘要 Revision description 新版序 New Revision 起草\日期 Revised\Date 审核\日期 Reviewed\Date 审批\日期 Approved\Date 1 新版制定 Formulation of new edition A0 浦斌 洪耀 张德强 1目的 1. Purpose 为规范公司生产件批准程序,确保满足顾客要求,制订本程序。 In order to normalize production part approval procedure and assure satisfaction of customer’s requirements, we formulate this procedure. 2范围 2.Scope 本程序适用于公司生产件批准的各项活动。 This procedure is applicable to various activities in production part approval. 3定义与职责 3. Definition and Responsibilities 3.1职责 3.1 Responsibilities 3.1.1 产品设计部负责制定生产件批准(以下简称PPAP)计划。 3.1The product development department is responsible for formulation of production part approval(hereafter abbreviated as PPAP) plan. 3.1.2 营销部负责联络顾客并了解其对生产件批准的要求,并负责与顾客联系生产件批准事宜。 3.2 Responsible person of Marketing Dept. is responsible for contact customers and understanding their requirements for production piece approval, and is responsible for contacting customers about matters about production piece approval. 3.1.3 各相关部门负责按照PPAP计划提供所需资料或样品。Each related department is responsible for providing required data or sample according to PPAP plan. 3.1.4 产品部负责收集、整理和保存PPAP文件和资料。Product Development Dept. is responsible for collecting, arranging and storing PPAP documents and data. 3.2定义 3.2Definition 3.2.1 生产件批准程序:PPAP.1 Production part approval procedure: PPAP 3.2.2 PPAP提交内容(手册要求):.2 The content of PPAP submission(manual requirements) 1)可销售产品的设计记录; 1)Design records of marketable products 2)工程更改文件(如果有);2)Project modification


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