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Word Web Think of as many words and phrases as possible about a ship. hooter 汽笛 cabin 船舱 boiler room锅炉房 wheelhouse操舵室 engine room轮机舱 deck 甲板 propeller螺旋桨 rudder 舵 mast 桅杆 radar 雷达 anchor 锚 life buoy (jacket) 救生圈(衣) harbor 港口 dock 码头 crew 船员 captain 船长 chief officer 大副 second (third) officer二(三)副 Think of the English equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 航空母舰:aircraft carrier 独木舟:canoe (大型)游艇:yacht 快速大帆船:clipper 集装箱船:container ship 油轮:oil tanker 巡洋舰:cruiser 驱逐舰:destroyer 破冰舰:icebreaker 摩托艇:motorboat 舢板:sampan 潜水艇:submarine 气垫船:hovercraft Words Expressions under way: in position or operation, having started and making progress - It’s been under way for fifty years and it still has a long way to go. - A battle to conquer nature is under way. Collocation: all the way 自始自终 any way 无论如何 by the way 顺便说 by way of 经由;通过…的方法 put away: remove (sth.) to a place where it is usually stored - Put the books away neatly on the shelf. - He has a habit of putting away his tools after work. get to sth./doing sth.: begin to give serious attention to or deal with - Recently I’ve got to wondering why I am doing the part-time job. - I’ll get to the accounts as soon as I can. reverse: vt. turn around to the opposite direction; exchange the position of - The rise, the first in 10 months, reversed the downward trend in the country’s jobless rate. - Why don’t you reverse the order so that I perform first and he performs second? Collocation: in reverse 向相反方向;倒(退);逆(行、转等) just the reverse 正好相反,恰恰相反 suffer/sustain a reverse 遭受挫折(或失败);吃败仗 the reverse of …的反面;绝不是…,远非… turn over: think about; consider - 他在心里反复考虑这件事情。 (=He turned the matter over in his mind.) - She sat there quietly, turning over the problem. Collocation: turn aside 避开,撇开 turn (away) from 对…感到厌恶 turn down 关小;拒绝 turn up 开大;出现 repay: vt. pay back; reward - She repaid me the money. - How can


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