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ZQC-5智能大气综合采样器 2011年01月23日 ZQC-5智能大气综合采样器 ZQC-5 intelligent comprehensive atmospheric sampler ZQC-5智能大气综合采样器 简介: ZQC-5 intelligent comprehensive atmospheric sampler: 智能大气综合采样器ZQC-5型主要应用于环境监测、环境评价采样两方面的需要,是环境监测部门采集大气中总悬浮微粒(TSP)样品的必备仪器。适用于按新的监测规范实行24小时连续中流量总悬浮微粒采样(无人值守全天候工作)。无碳刷智能中流量采样器是我厂必威体育精装版专利产品之一。 Intelligent comprehensive atmospheric sampler of type ZQC-5 are mainly used in environmental monitoring, environmental evaluation of sampling in two areas of need, is the environmental monitoring department collection of atmospheric total suspended particulate ( TSP ) samples of the necessary equipment. Applied to a new monitoring code executes 24 hours of continuous medium flow total suspended particle sampling ( unattended all-weather work ). Brushless intelligent flow sampler is our latest patented products. ZQC-5智能大气采样器 功能特点: ZQC-5 intelligent air sampler features: 通过微电脑对预设值和对文丘里管流量值取样对比,从而控制采样气体泵的转速,达到恒流采样的目的。 Through the preset value and on the Venturi tube flow value sampling comparison, thereby controlling the gas sampling pump speed, achieve constant current sampling purpose. 可预置开机时间、采样时间、间隔时间、采样流量、可输入大气压。 Preset start time, sampling time, sampling interval, flow, input pressure. 采用优质抽气泵,运行噪声低,寿命长,重量轻。 Using high quality pump operation, low noise, long life, light weight. 停电时自动保存数据和维持时钟运行。来电时,自动恢复采样。 When power cut automatically save data and maintain the clock running. When an incoming call, automatically resume sample. 体积小,重量轻,便于携带。 Small volume, light weight, easy to carry. ZQC-5智能大气综合采样器 技术指标: ZQC-5 intelligent comprehensive atmospheric sampler technology index: 采样流量调节范围:80 L/min~130L/min,准确度:±2.5%; Sampling flow regulation scope: 80 L / min ~ 130L / min, accuracy: + 2.5%; 气体采样流量范围:0.1~1L/min,准确度:±2.5%(TH-150A无此功能); Gas sampling flow range : 0.1 ~ 1L / min, accuracy: + 2.5% ( TH-150A without this feature ); 流量稳定性:100L/min时,当电压198V~242V波动,阻力在3~8kPa变化,流量相对误差小于3%; Flow stability: 100L / min 198V ~ 242V, when the voltage fluctuation, resist


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