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《》教学大纲 课程–Sand-Table Exercise and the Application of ERP》 课程 学时:学  分:适用对象: 先修课程:This course is divided into two parts: the ERP basic theories and the ERP experiment. The basic theories of Enterprise Operation Simulation –Sand-Table Exercise and the Application of ERP is mainly consisted of the economic and management knowledge, the introduction of ERP knowledge frame, the ERP knowledge system structure, the method of ERP study, marketing management, financial management , production planning , financial accountancy, supply chain management, material management and the safety and maintain of information system etc. The ERP experiment is divided into the sand-table exercise and enterprise operation simulation two parts, the sand-table exercise aims to simulate the business enterprise processes through the real simple sand-table, involving the business enterprise overall strategy, production development, scheduling production, marketing and sales, finance, team communication and construction and other main contents. The business enterprise behavior imitation is going to improve the students’ management and decision ability. It aims to help the students build up the business enterprise management principles ,draw up the foundation of the strategic programming, imitating the operation of the complete economic business of business enterprise. With the help of the ERP management software, we can carry out the informational industry the complicated process of the management, improve the cooperation’s management level and decision ability. 三、课程性质与教学目的 课程性质:《ERP实验》课程是经济管理类专业的专业拓展课,是全院经济管理类专业的必修课(非经济管理类专业选修课),是将专业理论与经济管理实践相结合的一门实验课程,是专业理论在企业经营运作中的应用。 总体教学目的和要求:ERP课程的教学内容、教学组织形式、教学方法、教学手段及其对学生的组织形式、学习方法等都是一种新的探索。本课程将ERP理论知识和相关知识的学习贯穿课程的始终,通过沙盘模拟对抗演练——ERP理论学习——企业行为模拟——ERP管理软件应用等多种形式,将学生置身于企业的虚拟环境之中,模拟企业的主要运作过程,让学生了解、认识企业复杂多变的生存环境,熟悉企业的业务流程,亲自体会并模拟企业的团队建设、经营管理、经营决策、营销策略和企业之间的竞争与协作等等。通过对企业全方位的认识、参与,从而达到激发学生的学习兴趣,变被动学习为主动学习、自助学习的目的;更重要的是培养学生怎样将理论知识与企业实际运作紧密联系、学以致用的能力和分析问题、解决问


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