学术论文引文格式 英语学术性论文引文要求.doc

学术论文引文格式 英语学术性论文引文要求.doc

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学术论文引文格式 英语学术性论文引文要求 学术写作 Academic Writing Reference 引文 1、显示参考过大量的相关文献具有学术权威性 2、提供论点的论据-具有辩证性 文章内引文格式 In-Text Citation Iften considered taht contrast between light and dark was one of the most valuable and expressive meansof creation 开WORD 插入 脚注 确认 Book 页码 1、Gedfrey C. Ward and Ken Burns, The War: An Intimate History,1941-1945(Ner York:Knopf,2007),52. 名字前,姓氏后 逗号 书名 出版社地点:出版社名称,年份 2、Ward and Burns,War,59-61. Book Chapter Journal Article 1、Jostua I. Weinstein,”The Market in Piato’s Reputic,”Classical Philology 104 (2009):440. “文章名称” 期刊名称 卷宗数(日期):页码 Newspaper article Webpage “文章名字” 月 日,年 真实网址 1、”Google Privacy Pollcy,”last modified March 11,2009. / Bibligraphy Book 姓前名后句号 出版地:出版社,日期 Austen,Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Edited with an introduction and notes by Vivien Joens.London:Penguin,1996. 书名,斜体句号 Book chapter Laau,Beth.”Jane Aus” Journal article 文章名称句号 Walton,Inga.”Novel Dressing.” Textile Fibre Forum 28,no.4 (2009):12-14 期刊名称,斜体卷宗号,第几期(年份):页码句号 Webpage 网址 Google.”Google Ptivacy Policy.” Last modified October 3,2010. / 作者名 文章名 The Moment It Clicks-Photography Cecrsts From One of the World’s Top Shooters (瞬间的背后-乔麦克纳利的经典传奇照片揭秘) Joe McNally 2008 Posts Telecom Press Beijing Joe,McNally,The Moment It Clicks-Photography Secrets from One of the World’s Top Shooters(Beijing:Posts Telecom Press,2008),58. Chiaroscuro:The AestheTics of Blindness(不可见的美感) Raw Vison Michel Thevoz 2002 lssue 39 58 Michel Thevoz,”Chiaroscuro:The Aesthetics of “ Design Studies: Theory and Research in Graphic Design 2010 October 3 Andrea Bennett .hk/books?id=Zu00m04mba4cpg=PA16dq= Paraph


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