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浅谈《茶馆》中王利发的人物形象 二〇一二年六月 摘 要 王利发是老舍的著名话剧《茶馆》中的主人公,他是逆来顺受的社会底层小人物,却屡遭无耻权贵的剥削;他是处世圆滑、精明干练的小商人,却被反动派长期欺压;他是与时俱进的积极改良主义者,却终因没有新的思想武器而被现实击碎。他的凄凉命运不仅是自身复杂的性格所致,也是清朝末年到解放以前五十年间的专制政体等多方面因素所致。 本文第一部分对老舍先生和话剧《茶馆》进行简介。第二部分是写作的重点,将对王利发的典型人物形象深入剖析,包括悲剧的人生经历、复杂矛盾的统一体以及王利发的结局三个方面的阐述。第三部分主要是揭示王利发形象的现实意义,通过我们深层次的探索,对王利发的形象深入剖析,他的善良与冷漠,顺从与反叛,圆滑与老实,所处的时代背景造就了他复杂的性格特征,值得我们深思。 关键词 《茶馆》 王利发 形象 现实 ABSTRACT Wang Lifa is Lao Shes famous play teahouse the hero, he is resign oneself to adversity social bottom figures, but was shameless exploitation of power; he is a shrewd and capable people, a small businessman, but by reactionaries long oppressed; he is advancing with the times and actively reformist, but due to the end of no new ideological weapon and was the real break. His sad fate is not only their own complex character by the end of the Qing Dynasty to before liberation, but also fifty years of monarchy and other factors.In the first part of the paper Lao She and drama teahouse brief introduction. The second part is the focus on the writing of Wang Li, the typical image of in-depth analysis, including the tragic life experience, complex and contradictory unity and Wang Li ending in three aspects. The third part is mainly reveals the realistic meaning of the image of Wang Li, through our in-depth exploration, to Wang Li s image of in-depth analysis, his kindness and apathy, obedient and rebellious, sleek and honest, the background of the times made his complex character, be worth us thoughtful. Keywords Teahouse Wang Lifa image reality 目 录 摘 要 Ⅰ ABSTRACT Ⅱ 绪 论 1 一、《茶馆》概况 2 (一)老舍简介 2 (二)话剧《茶馆》的简介 2 二.王利发——悲剧的小人物 5 (一)悲剧的人生经历 5 1.茶馆的新掌柜 5 2.家庭的顶梁柱 6 3.社会底层的小人物 6 (二)复杂矛盾的统一体 7 1.善良与冷漠 7 2.顺从与反叛 8 3.圆滑与老实 9 (三)王利发的结局 10 三、王利发形象的现实意义 11 (一)永葆善良 11 (二)适当退让 11 (三)处世圆融 12 结 论 13 参 考 文 献 14 致谢 15 绪 论 话剧《茶馆》是老舍在1956年完成的作品,《茶馆》是故事全部发生在一个茶馆里。茶馆里人来人往,会聚了各色人物,“一个大茶馆就是一个小社会”。老舍抓住了这个场景的特点,将半个世纪的时间跨度,六七十个主、次人物高度浓缩在茶馆之中,展现了清末戊戌维新失败后、民国初年北洋军阀割据时期、国民党


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