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Chinese cuisine The Dhinese Feast 满汉全席 The Dhinese Feast originated in Qing Dynasty. It is the most famous Chinese big feast in the history which is a essential collection of Man nation and Han nation’s food. The Dhinese Feast is a kind of giant feast which has rich ethnic characteristics. It has not only the characteristics of the imperial cuisine but also the essence of its local flavor. The unique style is formed by its elegant dishes and fine etiquette. The cuisine of the Dhinese Feast has one hundred and eight kinds. They would be finished in 3 days. The Dhiense Feast The resources of making the Dhiense Feast are broad. They are specially selected, including all most wild and sea foods. The cooking techniques are excellent with local features. It cannot miss grilled and hot potted dishes to stand out the special taste of the Dhiense feast. Meanwhile, it also represents the characters of Han dishes, including all kinds of fried dishes. The Dhiense Feast is called the treasure of the Chinese cuisine culture. This meal was served by the Qing emperors for Mongolian relatives which had the marital relationship with the royal family. 茶台茗叙 :古乐伴奏、满汉侍女、敬献白玉奶茶   到奉点心 :茶食刀切、 杏仁佛手、 香酥苹果、 合意饼   攒盒一品 :龙凤描金攒盒龙盘柱   四喜乾果: 虎皮花生 、怪味大扁、 奶白葡萄、 雪山梅   四甜蜜饯: 蜜饯苹果、 蜜饯桂圆 、蜜饯鲜桃、 蜜饯青梅   奉香上寿: 古乐伴宴、焚香入宴   前菜五品: 龙凤呈祥 、洪字鸡丝黄瓜、 福字瓜烧里脊、 万字麻辣肚丝 、   饽饽四品: 御膳豆黄 、芝麻卷、 金糕、 枣泥糕   酱菜四品: 宫廷小黄瓜 、酱黑菜 、糖蒜 、腌水芥皮   敬奉环浆: 音乐伴宴、满汉侍女敬奉、贵州茅台   膳汤一品: 龙井竹荪   御菜三品: 凤尾鱼翅、 红梅珠香、 宫保野兔   饽饽二品: 豆面饽饽、 奶汁角   御菜三品: 祥龙双飞、 爆炒田鸡、 芫爆仔鸽   御菜三品: 八宝野鸭、 扶手金卷 、炒墨鱼丝   饽饽二品: 金丝酥雀、 如意卷   御菜三品: 绣球乾贝、 炒珍珠鸡、 奶汁鱼片   御菜三品: 干连福海参、 花菇鸭掌 、五彩牛柳   饽饽二品: 肉末烧饼、 龙须面   烧烤二品: 挂炉山鸡、 生烤狍肉、 随上荷叶卷、 葱段、 甜面酱   御菜三品: 山珍刺龙芽、 莲蓬豆腐 、草菇西兰花   膳粥一品: 红豆膳粥   水果一品: 应时水果拼盘一品   告别香茗: 信阳毛尖 Courtier feast was held on the day after the Lantern Festival . On that day, the emperor would personally invite Daxueshis and the meritorious persons of Jiuqing to take part in the party. 丽人献茗:狮峰龙井   乾果四品:蜂蜜花生 、怪味腰果、 核桃


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