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船用Carrier型冷藏箱的结构功能及故障分析摘 要随着科技的发展与国际局势的转变,人们将更多的目光从陆地转向了海洋。伴随着船舶的日益增多,冷藏运输船也在船舶领域扮演越来越重的角色。冷藏集装箱是现代冷藏运输的重要组成部分,开展对冷藏集装箱远程故障监测、预报及诊断技术的研究对冷藏运输工业的发展具有重要意义。冷藏箱装船数量多,其控制系统出现故障的几率较高。一旦冷藏箱的制冷系统不能正常工作,将给船舶,尤其是远洋船舶的运输带来很大的损失。所以,如果冷藏箱在使用中出现各种报警以及控制系统出现的各种异常,要求船员能迅速排除故障使之在较短的时间内恢复正常工作。当前条件下,船员对冷藏箱故障的解决困难还较大。本文介绍了Carrier型冷藏箱的组成和原理,着重介绍了各工况的控制过程,列举了一些本人在日常工作中,遇到的保养知识,结合控制电路,进行了详细的故障分析,并为故障排查提供了一些自己的思路。关键字:冷藏箱;结构;控制电路;故障排除MARINE CARRIER TYPE STRUCTURE FUNCTIONS AND FAULT ANALYSIS OF THE COOLERABSTRACTWith the development of science and technology and the change of international situation, people will be more attention from land to sea.With the increasing of vessels, refrigerated transport also play the role of more and more heavy in the field of ship.Reefer container is an important part of modern refrigerated transport, carry out the reefer container remote fault monitoring, prediction and diagnosis technology research is of great significance to the development of refrigerated transport industry in China.Cooler shipment quantity, the control system failure probability is higher.Once the freezer, refrigeration system can not work normally, will cause great loss of ocean shipping transportation.So, cooler in the use of all kinds of alarm and control system in various abnormal, the crew can quickly troubleshooting to work in a relatively short period of time back to normal.The current condition, the crew for the solution of the fault cooler difficulty also bigger.This paper first introduces the carrier type of composition and principle of the cooler, emphatically introduces the working condition of each control process, lists some matters of attention in the actual maintenance and maintenance knowledge, combined with the control circuit, fault analysis in detail, and provide some own ideas for troubleshooting.Key words: Cooler; Structure; Control circuit; Troubleshooting目 录摘 要1第一章 绪论2第二章Carrier型冷藏箱简介12.1 Carrier冷藏箱的主要组成部分12.2 carrier型冷藏箱的主要结构图2第三章Carrier型冷藏箱的工作原理53.1制冷基本原理53.2 控


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