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培 训 记 录 簿 TRAINING LOG BOOK (驾驶员用) (DECK DEPARTMENT) 此簿用于培训驾驶员对二副职务的技术和业务的熟悉 FOR TRAINING TO NEXT PROFESSIONAL RNAK OF MASTER 三副适用 ISSUED TO THIRD OFFICER THIS LOGBOOK BELONGS TO: 本记录簿用于: Officer’s Name: 驾驶员姓名: Date of Birth: 出生日期: The First time to hold a Post of Present Rank: 初次任职现职时间: Present Rank: THIRD OFFICER 现任职务: 三 副 ‘ PROCEDURE TO USE THE TRAINING LOG BOOK 培训记录簿使用程序 Training logbook has been divided into different modules, each dealing with a specific job responsibility and expertise required for the rank e.g. Navigation, Cargo Operations, Communications etc. 培训记录簿分成不同的模块,每一模块涉及一特定的工作职责和专业要求。例如:航行、货做、通信等。 The front page of each section contains details about the vessels served in the present rank. Each Master who signs the training log must fill in his name and signature on the “VER” page of the log. 本簿已列出所在船舶该职务各项工作的细节,每一船长在应在每一项目页签名并在审核确认栏中填写姓名和签名。 Officer preparing for promotion to next level should complete the tasks in a phased manner. Few tasks will require written proof of being completed. The trainee officer should maintain s separate file or notebook, as proof of the tasks being completed. After completing the task the trainee officer should sign the logbook and present the logbook to the Master for verification. When a task requires a situation or scenario, it must be given to the trainee officer by the trainer Master. 准备晋升的高级船员应以适当的方式完成所有的项目,有部分项目是需要提供书面证据的。接受培训的高级船员应备有一独立的记录簿,以便提供完成各项训练项目的证据。在完成培训项目后,接受培训的高级船员应在培训记录簿上签名并交船长审核确认。培训船


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