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中国芸薹属植物的起源、演化与散布 王建林 何燕 栾运芳 大次卓嘎 张永青 (西藏农牧学院农学系 林芝 860000) 摘要:芸薹属Brassica L植物是十字花科Brassicaceae芸薹族Brassiceae的骨干大属。现已知中国芸薹属植物有15种、11变种及1变型。本文详细比较了芸薹属与其外类群白花菜科Capparaceae15个形态特征,认为芸薹属植物形态的演化路线可能为:基生叶叶型全缘→大头羽裂,基生叶叶柄长→短,茎生叶有柄→无柄→抱茎,染色体数n=8、9、10→17,18,19,植株叶面有毛→无毛,花粉壁纹饰网纹→拟脑纹-网状→穴-网状,花瓣不具明显爪→具长爪,种子褐色→棕色,花粉孔沟类型三沟→三、四沟,花序顶生成伞房状→不成伞房状,角果线性不成念珠状→皱缩成念珠状,花粉形态长球状→近球状或球形,种子近种脐处有明显窠穴→无明显窠穴,种子球形→凸球形或卵形。在此基础上,将中国芸薹属植物划分为白菜组Sect Pekinensis、芥菜组Sect Juncea、甘蓝组Sect Oleracea三个类群,其中白菜组最原始、芥菜组较进化,甘蓝组进化程度最高,并结合中国芸薹属植物野生种与栽培种的分布与古气候及地质资料,提出中国芸薹属植物是本土起源的,其起源中心和现代分布中心在以藏东南横断山脉及藏南河谷一带为主体的我国青藏高原及其周边地区。此外,还讨论了中国芸薹属植物可能的扩散途径。 关键词:芸薹属;起源;演化;散布;中国 A STUDY ON ORIGIN,EVOLUTION AND SPREAD OF BRASSICA IN CHINA Wang Jian-lin He Yan Luan Yun-fang Dacizhuoga Zhang Yun-qin (Department of Agronomy, Tibet Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College,Linzhi,86000) Abstract:There are about forty species of Brassica in the world, of which fifteen are distributed in China, about the origin, evolution and spread of Brassica plants are discussed. For some important problems about the systematics of Brassica in China, the author proposes his point of view. The main conclusion are as follow: (1)The evolution of Brassica : An evolutionary line of form of Brassica in China is proposed based on compartment between Brassica and Capparaceae is that Sect.Pekinensis sect. Juncea Sect.Oleracea. The earliest plant of Sect. Pekinensisis is B.parachinensis, but the earliest plant of Sect.Juncea is B.integrifolia (west)O E.Schulz. During the evolution of Brassica in China,the changes of leaves, petals, seeds polleu morphology, type of aperture, sculpture of exine are obvious, which are important in the evolution of Brassica. (2)The distribution of species: The Brassica are widely distributed throughout the Huanghe River Corridor and Changjiang River Corridor and Western Mountain Region of China. But the almost species of Brassica in China are distributed in Qinghai-xizang Plateau and its, around Region.


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