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unit02_new words_a. New Words 1pat vt. touch sb. or sth. lightly and repeatedly with a flat hand 轻拍 The teacher patted the student on his shoulder, encouraging him to try harder next time. 老师在学生的肩膀上拍了拍,鼓励他下次更加努力些。 The little boy felt uncomfortable whenever people patted him on the head. 每次人们拍他的头时,小男孩总是感到不舒服。 n. [C] a friendly act of touching sb. or sth. with a flat hand 轻拍 Jim used to give his dog a pat before he left for work in the morning. 吉姆以前常常在早上离家上班前拍拍他的狗。 My boss gave me a pat on the back to show his satisfaction with my work. 老板在我背上拍了一下,以示对我的工作很满意。 @ 2presence n. [U] the fact or state of being present 在场;出席 Your presence is requested. 敬请光临。 I should have dressed myself more formally tonight. I wish nobody would notice my presence! 今晚我本该穿得更正式些的。真希望没有人会注意到我的存在! @ 3promising a. showing signs of being successful in the future 有前途的;有希望的 The promising student couldnt go on with his studies because his family was too poor to afford it. 因为家境贫穷无法供他求学,这个本来很有前途的学生无法继续读书了。 I would like to work in a promising company like yours. 我希望在如贵公司一样有前途的公司里就职。 4amateur a. doing sth. just for pleasure; not professional 业余的 My elder brother is an amateur photographer, but he really takes very nice pictures. 我哥哥是个业余摄影师,但他拍的照片真的很棒。 The amateur football players meet twice a week for practice. 这些业余足球运动员每周集训两次。 n. [C] sb. who does sth. just for pleasure 业余爱好者 Only amateurs will be allowed to participate in this match. 只有业余爱好者才能参加此项比赛。 Some amateurs can perform at such a high level that even professionals sing high praise for them. 有些业余爱好者表现得非常好,即使那些专业人员都对他们大加赞叹。 5 emskier/em n. [C] a person who skis 滑雪者 an amateur skier 业余滑雪运动员 6session n. 1. [C] a period of time used for a particular purpose (从事某项活动的)一段时间 There will be a question-and-answer session before the final examination. 期末考试前会有一堂答疑课。 Can you get two tickets for


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