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Chapter 1 Introduction 1.Microorganisms (microbes) roughly, are those living things that are too small to be seen with the naked eyes, 0.1 mm in diameter/length. Observed with a microscope . Microorganism is not a term on taxonomy(分类学), which cannot be distinguished phylogenetically(系统发生的)from “Macroorganisms”.For example, many fungi are microorganisms, as well as all bacteria, all viruses, and most protists.是一切肉眼看不见的微小生物的总称个体0.1mm 2. PROTOZOA: Unicellular animal cells, which often divide asexually(无性的)as the mother cell divides into two or more identical daughter cells. 3. VIRUSES (e.g. influenza) Unable to carry out their own replication–they multiply only in host cells. They can take control of the host’s metabolic system, and force the cell to produce new virus particles, which are liberated in large numbers. 4. Five Common Characteristics of Microorganisms 1 Small volume, large surface area 体积小,表面积大 * as size increases, S/V ratio decreases * size affects rate of nutrient and waste transport across the cell membrane * small size →more efficient exchange, support of higher metabolic rate 2 Fast absorption and conversion 吸收多,转化快 3 Rapid duplication and growth 生长旺,繁殖快 4 Strong adaptability 适应强 易变异 5 Widespread distribution and diversified species分布广,种类多 5. Louis Pasteur(Founder of Microbiology):settled spontaneous generation theory Robert Koch(Founder of Bacteriology):Koch’s postulates 自然发生说 Edward Jenner :introduces cowpox (牛痘) vaccination for smallpox (天花) 6. Koch’s postulates自然发生说 (生命是由无生命的的物质产生) * a specific microbe must be present in all cases of a disease and absent from healthy animals * the organism can be obtained in pure culture outside of the host. * the organism will, when inoculated into a host, induce the symptoms equivalent to those observed in the host from which it was isolated. * the organism can be isolated in pure culture from the experimentally infected host and shown to be the same as the original. 7. Ada


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