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律师职业倦怠研究 李雪平 (西华师范大学四川省教育发展研究中心,四川 南充 637009) 摘 要:采用李超平、时勘修订的Maslach 倦怠量表—通用版(MBI—GS)对142 名律师的职业倦怠状况进行调查与分析。结果发现:有近10%的律师在玩世不恭维度上达到11分的临界值,有倦怠倾向;在情绪衰竭上,已婚的比未婚的严重,30-35岁之间的比其它年龄段的严重,有子女的比无子女的易衰竭;已婚的和有子女的更易玩世不恭,女性比男性更易体验到疏离感;律师总体上表现出较高的职业效能感,专科学历的比本科和研究生学历的更高。律师是一个容易产生情绪衰竭和玩世不恭(疏离感)的职业。 关键词: 律师;职业倦怠;研究 中图分类号:G479 文献标识码:A 文章编号: A Investigation and Analysis On Lawyers’ Burnout Situation (Sichuan Center for Education Development Research of China West Normal University, Nanchong Sichuan 637009,China) Abstract: In order to understand the burnout situation which happened to the lawyers and concern the mental health of them, we used a schedule named Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Version (MBI-GS) ,which was revised by Li Chao-ping and ShiCan to do this research. During the research,we tested 142 lawyers to collect demographic information by using statistical methods. After the research,we have an in-depth understanding of the lawyers’ living conditions.The results are: The burnout situation of the lawyers is relatively modest .Nearly 10% of the lawyers reached the threshold of 11 points in the cynicism dimension ,which means they have a tendency of burnout. First of all,the marital status and having children or not both have a significant relation on emotional exhaustion dimension as well as the age status.The married lawyers’ situation is much worse than the unmarried one .And on the aspect of the age, the lawyers between 30 to 35 years old are more likely to have the tendency of emotional exhaustion. Besides,the lawyers with children are more exhausted than the ones without children. Secondly,marital status and having children or not also have a significant relation on dimension cynicism as well as the gender status. There are three kind of lawyers are more likely to feel cynicism,which including the married ones,the having children ones and the female lawyers.At last,Only the background of education has a significant relation on


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