喜欢, 不说爱Saying like instead of love.doc

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喜欢, 不说爱Saying like instead of love 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“喜欢, 不说爱Saying like instead of love”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92的支持! 相互牵挂相互祝福,是很幸福的一件事。心有所托情有所系,平静的日子里心湖偶泛涟漪,总胜似一潭死水的沉寂。 It 0相互牵挂相互祝福,是很幸福的一件事。心有所托情有所系,平静的日子里心湖偶泛涟漪,总胜似一潭死水的沉寂。Its a happy thing to concern about each other and exchange best wishes with each other. In a tranquil life, it is always better to have something weighing on your mind than to bear the soul of a stagnant tide.你说喜欢我呀,我相信。我也喜欢你呀,心情不佳或有得意之事时,很乐于让你知道,你也很乐于倾听的样子。就这样,相互喜欢,分享喜悦,安慰忧伤,开解烦恼。就这般游离现实,多了条情感的依赖线。依赖中,就有了不小心不脱俗的喜欢,喜欢也就喜欢了。You say you like me. I believe it. And I like you, too. When Im in a bad or good mood, I’d like to tell you and you are willing to listen. As time goes by, we like each other, share with each other, comfort each other, and dissolve irritations with each other. We are free from reality, adding one more dependent line of emotion. The feeling of like emerges gradually in the days of dependence.喜欢,就是不说爱。不说爱,不只是因为没有了再说爱的权利。爱,实在不是一个轻松的字眼,爱需要一份执着,一份忠贞,甚至一个承诺。喜欢就不同了,欣赏的可以说喜欢,迷恋的可以说喜欢,糊里糊涂的爱也可以说喜欢呀。Like is talking about everything but love. Not saying love, it’s not only because there is no right to say “I love you”. To be honest, love is complicated. It needs perseverence, loyalty, and even promise. Whereas like is appreciation, addiction, and ambiguousness.喜欢,少了爱的盲从,多了微笑的欣赏;喜欢,少了相思的煎熬,多了从容的洒脱;喜欢,少了无奈的牵绊,多了信任的融洽;喜欢,少了沉重的责任,多了超浪漫的的轻松;喜欢,少了付出后的刻骨铭心的伤害,多了失去后的理智的无动于衷。Like is less blind obedience and more appreciation, less suffering and more grace, less hindrance and more trust, less responsibility and more amusement, less mischief and more rationality.喜欢是一种特别的感觉,一种轻松的感觉,由心而升的一种欢喜。一种相见的喜欢,似一种淡淡的亲情,也似一种醇醇的友情,更似一份浓浓的爱意,可就是不用说爱的喜欢。喜欢,不用矜持,不用顾虑太多,更不用顾及过去与将来,只要这一刻愉悦快乐。Like is a kind of special feeling, a feeling of relaxation, and a burst of real joy. It appears to be a touch of affection, friendship and love, but needless to say. You don?t have to be reserved, or considerate, and even to care about the past and future,


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