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北京城市学院2014届毕业设计(论文) 怡安园小区4#住宅楼框架结构设计 学生姓名: 学 号: 班 级: 专 业: 学 部: 指导教师: 二〇一四年五月 怡安园小区4#住宅楼框架结构设计 Aon Park District 4 # residential building frame design 学生: 班级: 学号: 学部: 专业: 指导教师: 职称: 工作单位: 毕业设计(论文)完成时间: 自 2013 年 2 月 至 2014 年 5 月 摘 要 由于框架结构的优点是建筑平面布置灵活,易于满足设置大空间的要求,立面处理也易于满足建筑艺术的要求,与其他结构相比,它是造价较低的一种结构体系。因此,多层工业、民用和公共建筑均采用了框架结构体系。 本设计主要对结构方案中横向第3榀框架进行了结构设计。首先进行了层间荷载标准值的计算,接着采用分层法计算得出竖向恒荷载和活荷载作用下的结构内力。然后,利用D值法求出在水平风荷载作用下的结构内力(弯矩、剪力、轴力)。其次,对各种情况下的内力进行了组合,选取最安全的结果进行框架梁、框架柱截面的配筋计算。最后,利用PKPM和CAD软件绘制了框架结构的施工图。 关键词:框架;恒荷载;活荷载;内力组合;配筋;结构施工图 Abstract Due to the advantages of frame structure building layout is flexible, easy to set up a large space to meet the requirements of the facade treatment is also easy to meet architectural requirements, compared with other structures, it is a lower cost structure system. Therefore, multi-industrial, civil and public buildings are made of a frame structure. The design of the main structure of the program for the first three specimens of lateral framework of the structural design. First were calculated interlayer load standard value, and then using the results to calculate the vertical stratification structure forces dead load and live load under. Then, determine the structure of the internal forces (bending moment, shear, axial force) in the horizontal wind loads using D value method. Secondly, the internal forces in each case were combined to select the safest results frame beams, reinforcement frame column cross-section calculations. Finally, PKPM and CAD software to draw up construction plans frame structure.


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