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届本科毕业生论文(设计) 题目 惠泉啤酒厂逆向物流的探析 惠泉啤酒厂逆向物流的探析 摘 要 逆向物流如今成为现代社会不可缺少的环节,在倡导低碳生活,绿色生活中,逆向物流可以给人们带来一个良好的企业环境和生存环境,同时节省企业资金成本,提高经济效益,在构建循环型经济体系中扮演重要角色。可持续发展已经成为主流时,逆向物流在其背景下得以充分发挥功能,提升社会影响力,节约资源,改善生态环境等,都在无时无刻的促进可持续发展的进行。随着人们更多的逆向物流发展,逆向物流已经成为新世纪物流的一个热点。 本文从逆向物流的概念和企业发展逆向物流的重要性入手。采用案例的分析法,以惠泉啤酒厂为研究对象,分析了惠泉啤酒厂逆向物流存在的问题,并在基础上提出了相应的改善意见,以期对我国企业逆向物流的发展有借鉴意义。 关键词:逆向物流;惠泉啤酒厂;探析 Analysis of Huiquan Beer Factory of Reverse Logistics Abstract Reverse logistics has become an indispensable link in modern society, advocate the low carbon life, green life, the reverse logistics can bring a good business environment and living environment, at the same time save capital cost, improve the economic benefit, plays an important role in constructing circular economic system. Sustainable development has become a mainstream, under the background of the reverse logistics is able to give full play to the function, increase social influence, save resources, improve the ecological environment, etc., all in all to promote sustainable development. The correct use of the combination of the forward logistics and reverse logistics, to complete a system of circular economy. In this paper, the concept and importance of reverse logistics reverse logistics enterprise development from the start. Using case analysis to huiquan brewery for the study, analyzed the brewery huiquan reverse logistics problems and puts forward the corresponding improvement advice to reverse logistics of our countrys development reference. KeyWords: reverse logistics; huiquan brewery; analysis 目 录 引 言 1 1逆向物流的概述 1 1.1逆向物流的概念及其发展的驱动因素 1 1.1.1逆向物流的概念 1 1.1.2企业逆向物流发展的驱动因素 2 1.2逆向物流的分类 3 1.3逆向物流的重要性 4 1.3.1提高潜在事故的透明度 4 1.3.2提高顾客价值,增加竞争优势 4 1.3.3降低物料成本 4 2 惠泉啤酒厂逆向物流现状及存在的问题 4 2.1惠泉啤酒厂逆向物流现状 4 2.2惠泉啤酒厂逆向物流存在的问题 5 2.2.1发展逆向物流重视不够 5 2.2.2逆向物流系统不完善 5 2.2.3逆向物流管理缺乏规范性 6 2.2.4废弃物处理的技术不足 6 3惠泉啤酒厂逆向物流的解决对策 6 3.1管理层应重视发展逆向物流 6



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