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Syndrome 综合病症 Immune 免疫的 Allergy 过敏,敏感症 Anemia 贫血症 Antibiotics 抗体 Bacterium 细菌 Bone marrow 骨髓 Calorie 卡路里 Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 cholera 霍乱 cholesterol 胆固醇 chronic 慢性的 communicable diseases 传染病 contagious 传染的 coronary disease 冠心病 dehydration 脱水 diabetes 糖尿病 diarrhea 腹泻 embryo 胚胎 epidemic 流行的,传染的,时疫 euthanasia, mercy killing 安乐死 health care products 保健品 herbal medicine 草药 hormone 荷尔蒙 infertility 不孕 insomnia 失眠 metabolism 新陈代谢 paralysis 瘫痪 plague 瘟疫 pneumonia 肺炎 rabies 狂犬病 remedy 药物,治疗,矫正 sprain 扭伤 stroke 中风 tumor 瘤 virus 病毒 vaccine 疫苗 physique 体格,体质 to strengthen one’s physique 增强体质 life expectancy 平均寿命 healing the sick and saving the dying 救死扶伤 to defer senility 延缓衰老 an organic whole有机整体 safety first,precaution crucial 安全第一,预防为主 1.救死扶伤Heal the wounded and rescue the dying 2. 中华医学会The Chinese Medical Association 3. 国际红十字会The Red Cross Society of China 4. 国家医药管理局The State Pharmaceutical Administration 5. 国家中药管理局The State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine 6.卫生部The health department 7. 综合医院General hospital 8. 肿瘤医院Tumor hospital 9. 精神病院Mental hospital 10. 药房 Dispensary, pharmacy 11. 血库Blood bank 12. 病房Ward、 13. 化验室Laboratory 14. 诊室、手术室Consulting/operating room 15. 急症、候诊室Emergency、waiting room 16.观察、隔离室Observation/isolation room 17. 门诊、住院、护理部Outpatient/inpatient/nursing department 18. 保健科Health department 19. 中医科Department of traditional Chinese medicine 20. 针灸科Acupuncture department 21. 理疗科Department Of physical therapy 22. 外科 Department of surgery (医生,surgeon) 21. 内科Department of internal medicine (医生,physician) 22. 脑、胸外科Department of cranial /thoracic surgery 23. 牙科(医生)Department of dentistry (dentist) 24. 骨科(医生)Department of orthopedics (orthopedist) 25. 眼科(医生)Department of ophthalmology (ophthalmologist) 26. 口腔科Dpt. Of stomatology ( stomatologist) 27. 皮肤科Dpt. Of dermatology (dermatologist) 28. 泌尿科Dpt. Of urology (urologist) 29. 神经科Dpt. Of neurology (neurologist) 30. 妇产科Dpt. Of obstetrics and gynecology (obstetrician, gynecologist; ob/gyn specialist)


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