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我国企业国际化经营中竞争力形成研究 摘要 经济全球化己不可逆转地将每个国家卷入其中,国际竞争力是衡量一国经济实力强弱的重要标志,也是一国在世界经济格局中所处地位的关键性因素。如何提高本国企业的国际竞争力,己成为所有国家政府研究的重大议题。所以本文就我国企业的国际竞争力的问题进行了研究。 随着我国经济与世界经济的进一步接轨,我国企业正承受着从未有过的国际竞争压力,面对日益激烈的国际竞争希望立于不败之地的我国企业界必须将提高自己的国际竞争力置于发展首位。实践必须要有科学的理论指导,因而本文对提高我国企业国际竞争力问题做了一些分析。首先从社会背景出发,对我国在现代经济社会中存在的问题进行了解,然后对于这些问题做出一些意见分析,最后本文是通过借鉴国内外企业国际化战略与成长战略的必威体育精装版研究成果和理论方法的基础上,结合我国客观实际来对提高我国企业国际竞争力形成进行的分析与研究。 关键词 企业;国际化经营;竞争力 In Our country Enterprise internationalization management the competitive power forms the research Abstract Irreversible economic globalization has been the involvement of each country, the international competitiveness of a countrys economy is a measure of the strength of an important symbol of strength, but also a country in the world economic pattern in which the status of key factors. How to improve their international competitiveness of enterprises, the Government of all countries has become a major research topic. Therefore, this article on the international competitiveness of Chinese enterprises with the problem studied. As Chinas economy and further into the world economy, Chinese enterprises are under unprecedented pressure from international competition, in the face of increasingly fierce international competition in an invincible position of our country will forever cherish began the business community must be to improve their the development of international competitiveness at the top. Practice must have the guidance of scientific theory and therefore this article to improve the international competitiveness of Chinese enterprises want to do some analysis. First of all, starting from the social background of Chinas modern economic and social issues that exist in understanding of these issues and then some comments to make analysis, the last of this article draw on domestic and foreign enterprises through the strategy of international growth strategy with the latest research results and theoretical approaches on the basis of the objective reali


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