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英语专业毕业论文写作 毕业论文撰写的目的和意义 一、选择方向、确定题目 2.英语专业毕业论文选题范围 英语语言学 英汉互译 英美文学 英美文化 英语教学法 3.论题研究类别 理论性探讨 实际问题分析 一、选择方向、确定题目 4.选题过程 研究方向、论题和题目的关系 以霍桑和《红字》为例 On American Novels→方向 On Hawthornes Novels→论题 The Puritan Heritage in Hawthornes Novels→ 题目 选题步骤:以霍桑为例 1.选定美国文学方向 2.选定霍桑 3.读文学史书 4.读霍桑作品原著、评论 5.缩小范围、确定论题 思想性→主题意义;现实意义;社会意义 Man and Evil ―On Hawthornes View of Humanity 一、选择方向、确定题目 The Allegorical Features of Hawthornes Short Stories The Social Values of the 18thCentury America Reflected in The Scarlet Letter 艺术性→创作技巧;人物刻画 The Symbolic Elements in The Scarlet Letter The Villanous Intellectuals in Hawthornes Novels The Characterization of Chillingworth―Sin and Pentinence 王晓光08春论文题目 Humorous and Sarcastic View of the Old World in American Perspectives -----On Washington Irving The Sketch Book Irrationality and Allan Poe’s Formulation of Short Stories Writing The Tradition of Humour in American Literature ----- From Franklin to Mark Twain Profound Ideas in Siplicity ―On Robert Frost’s Poems Natural Rights Vs Social Inevitability ----- On Cooper’s The Leatherstocking Tales Harmony in Amy Tan’s Novels The Victim of Patriarchal Society ------A Feminist Approach to Susan Glaspell’s Trifles Psychological Distortion of the Grotesques ------ Sherwood Anderson Winsburg Ohio 二、 收集、分析资料 资料来源 图书检索 Faulkner→ 作者名 The Sound and the Fury→作品名 The Southern American Fiction→主题 相关网站 北京国家图书馆 研读资料 阅读原著 记笔记 确定参考书目 三、构思、拟定提纲 The Tradition of Humour in American Literature – From Franklin to Mark Twain Outline: Thesis statement: Humor permeates American writing and develops as a deeply rooted tradition, which is exemplified by many an American writer and carried to a peak by Mark Twain. I. Introduction A. Background: General American writing style and humour B. Purpose of the thesis: to


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