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我国国有林场体制改革问题探索 李红勋田明华, (北京林业大学经济管理学院,北京100083北京100083) 摘要:事业单位分类改革国有林场国有林场实现永续发展我国国有林场改革有林场国有林场生态建设。关键词:eform of State-owned Forest Farms in China LI Hong-xun1,TIAN Ming-hua,WANG Zi-li (School of Economics and Management, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, 100083; 2. Beijing Forestry University Forest Science Co., Ltd., Beijing, 100083) Abstract: public institutions of China are reformed according to different characters, so the state-owned forest farms need to be recognized again. The state-owned forest farms play a key role in unisonous and sustainable development of the environment, economy and society in China, but face a dangerous and difficult situation in recent years. Based on the dispute about the reform of the state-owned forest farms, this paper analyzes the changes of the state-owned forest farms and actual administering mechanism of them, thinks that the administering mechanism and the management system turning to public institutions is an important factor that restricts the sustainable development of state-owned forest farms. Aim at the viewpoint and trend that state-owned forest farms turning into public institutions, this paper brings forward that ecological construction is not a reason of state-owned forest farms turning into public institutions, the mixed management makes it difficult to turn state-owned forest farms into public institutions, and turning state-owned forest farms into public institutions faces some puzzle in system. So turning state-owned forest farms into enterprise should be the reform way of state-owned forest farms. Key Words: state-owned forest farm; administering mechanism; turn to public institutions; turn to enterprise; ecological forest 从新中国成立初期开始,我国为加快森林资源培育,保护和改善生态状况,在重点生态脆弱地区和大面积集中连片的国有荒山荒地上,采取国家投资的方式,陆续建立起来的专门从事营造林和森林管护的林业基层单位。截至2006年底,全国国有林场已发展到4466处,分布在31个省(自治区、直辖市)的1600多个县(市、旗、区),职工总人数65万人,经营总面积5666.67万,其中林业用地面积森林面积森林蓄积量木材产量[2],各级野生动植物保护及自然保护区、森林公园、风景名胜区大多坐落在国有林场经营区内。国有林场不仅已成为我国生态安全的重要屏障,同时还是我国最重要的后备森林资源基地和木材


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