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摘要 本论文研究的背景与意义是由于近些年来,中国经济取得了高速发展,中国目前已经成为世界第三大奢侈品消费国,奢侈品消费已经成为中国经济增长不可忽视的一股力量。然而奢侈品在中国还是一个“新”事物,中国企业还不了解奢侈品,尤其不了解怎样建立和经营奢侈品品牌,因此只能看着外国奢侈品公司抢占中国市场,自己却难有作为。因此,系统地研究国外成功奢侈品企业的建设过程及营销模式,分析中国奢侈品场的现状及特点,帮助中国本土企业开展有效的奢侈品营销工作,同时尽快培育和发展本土奢侈品牌,有着重要和紧迫的现实意义。 奢侈品品牌建设、问题与对策 Abstract this paper is due to the background and significance of China in recent years, the economy has made rapid development and China has become the worlds third largest luxury consumer, luxury consumption has become Chinas economic growth power should not be ignored.However the luxury goods in China are one “new” the thing, the Chinese Enterprise have not understood the luxury goods, especially did not understand how to establish and the management luxury goods brand, therefore can only look that the foreign luxury goods company seizes the Chinese market, oneself are actually difficult to have the achievement.Therefore, studies the overseas success luxury goods enterprises construction process and the marketing pattern systematically, analyzes the Chinese luxury goods field the present situation and the characteristic, helps the Chinese Native place Enterprise to do the effective luxury goods marketing work, simultaneously cultivates and develops the native place luxurious brand as soon as possible, has vital and the urgent practical significance. Key words: Luxury goods brand construction, question and countermeasure 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 一、奢侈品品牌建设概述 1 二、奢侈品品牌建设策略 1 (一)科学的品牌策略 1 (二)产品策略 4 (三)定价策略,遵循奢侈品的定价法则 5 (四)营销策略 5 (五)人才培养策略 5 三、我国奢侈品品牌建设的问题 6 (一)历史断层,缺乏品牌底蕴 6 (二)中国企业缺乏前瞻性眼光和耐心 6 (三)较低的顾客忠诚度 7 (四)中国企业缺乏经营奢侈品牌的经验和管理人才 7 四、我国奢侈品品牌建设的对策 8 (一)尊重传统文化 8 (二)拥有合理的品牌创建理念 8 (三)制定实施正确的品牌策略 8 (四)精益求精的产品策略 8 (五)培养优秀的奢侈品设计和管理人才 9 五、结束语 9 谢辞 11 奢侈品品牌建设概述品牌建设 Brand Construction 是指品牌拥有者对品牌进行的设计、宣传、维护的行为和努力。品牌建设的利益表达者和主要组织者是品牌拥有者(品牌母体),但参与者包括了品牌的所有接触点,包括用户、渠道、合作伙伴、媒体、甚至竞争品牌。 而奢侈品品牌,则是服务于奢侈品的品牌,它包涵了这么 7 个特征:富贵的品牌形象、看上去完美无缺、与众不同的独特性、恪守价值、拥有历史声誉、超高价格、顶级的品质性能。它所面对的消费群体也不同于普通品牌的消费群体。因此,奢侈品品牌的建设更拥有其特殊性。 奢侈品品牌建设策略


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