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我国核能政策演变及政策绩效研究 Study on the evaluation and performance of China’s nuclear policy 2014年7月8日 摘 要 由于核能发电存在辐射性物质泄漏的巨大风险,因此核电技术的利用从其诞生之日起就受到社会各界的广泛关注,特别是在公众群体内一直存在着巨大的担忧.2011年3月份的日本福岛核泄漏事故再次将核能的安全问题推到了风口浪尖,是否要继续发展核电技术这个问题在国际上引起了广泛的争议。但在当前传统化石能源储量日益减少,而风能、太阳能、氢能等新的能源技术尚难以满足人们需求的形势下,继续发展核能仍是世界主要国家核能政策的重心。 一直以来,我国都是鼓励发展核能、核电,我国也从无核国变成了目前世界上建设核电规模最大的国家Abstract Because nuclear power has great risk of radiation leaks, so the use of nuclear power technology from its birth date has received extensive attention from all sectors of society. Especially there has been a great concern in the community. In 2011 March, the Japanese nuclear accident in Fukushima nuclear power safety problems once again attracted controversy: whether we should continue to develop nuclear power technology. But under the condition of the decrease of traditional fossil energy and the difficult to meet the wind energy, solar energy, hydrogen energy and other new energy, it is important to develop nuclear energy. 一直以来,我国都是鼓励发展核能、核电,我国也从无核国变成了目前世界上建设核电规模最大的国家,成为了核大国,但尚未成为核强国。我国核电取得的成就是巨大的,但问题依然不少。因此,有必要对我国核能、核电政策进行研究,对核能政策进行评价,从中总结经验和教训,以更好推动我国核电事业的发展。 All along, China is encouraging the development of nuclear power. In the past, China has no nuclear, now it has become the worlds largest national construction of nuclear power. China has a lot of nuclear power stations, but has not yet mastered key technology. Chinas nuclear power has made great achievements, but there still exists a lot of problems. Therefore, it is necessary to research on Chinas nuclear power policy, make comments, sum up experience and lessons from it, in order to promote the development of Chinas nuclear power industry. Key words: nuclear policy; technology of nuclear power; evaluation 目 录 一、我国核能政策演变 1 (一)第一阶段(上世纪80年代中期至90年代中期) 2 1、由技贸结合到技贸脱钩 2 2、调整引进技术的方式 2 3、“国产化”和“买容量”两条腿走路 3 (二)第二阶段(上世纪90年代中期至2003年) 3 1、确定了我国核电发展两步走的技术路线 3 2、实行水电、火电、核电相结合的方针 3 3、坚定不移走国产化道路 3 4、坚持以压水堆为主的技术路线 3 (三)第三阶


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