牛顿苹果树 牛顿苹果树将体验太空零重力.doc

牛顿苹果树 牛顿苹果树将体验太空零重力.doc

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牛顿苹果树 牛顿苹果树将体验太空零重力

牛顿苹果树 牛顿苹果树将体验太空零重力 A piece of physicist Sir Isaac Newton’s apple tree is to defy gravity by being carried into space on the next NASA shuttle mi… XX县XX乡垃圾处理厂项目建议书 二O一二年二月 第一章 XX县XX乡概况 1.XX乡自然社会环境概况 1.1 地理位置 XX 县XX乡位于XX县西北部,是“XX北大门”,地处碧罗雪山山 脉与云岭山脉之间。地理坐标为东经98°47′——99°08′,… 学校代码: 研究生学号 研究生学号:研究生学号:10200200520251 0200200520251 学校代码:10200 10200 分 分 类 号:D5 密 密 级:无 硕士学位论文 后冷战时期英国外交中的英美关系研究 后冷战时期英国外交中… A piece of physicist Sir Isaac Newton’s apple tree is to defy gravity by being carried into space on the next NASA shuttle mission. The 4-inch-long wood sample, which is normally held in the Royal Society archives in London, comes from the original tree from which an apple fell and inspired Newton’s theory of gravity. Born in 1643 in Lincolnshire, Newton dominated British and European science by the early 1700s and is considered by many as the greatest scientist of his era. The tree sample along with a picture of Newton will be taken into orbit by British-born astronaut Dr Piers Sellers who will be part of a six-man crew aboard the NASA space shuttle Atlantis scheduled to lift off on May 14. “We’re delighted to take this piece of Sir Isaac Newton’s apple tree to orbit. While it’s up there, it will be experiencing no gravity, so if it had an apple on it, the apple wouldn’t fall,” said Sellers. “I’m pretty sure that Sir Isaac would have loved to see this, assuming he wasn’t spacesick, as it would have proved his first law of motion to be correct.” After the flight the piece of tree and the picture of the scientist will be returned to the Royal Society. The mission is part of the academic institution’s 350th anniversary celebrations. Newton himself was elected president of the Royal Society in 1703, an office he held until his death in 1727. Lord Rees, the current president of the Royal Society, said: “We are both pleased and proud that such an extraordinary part of scientific history and important element of the Royal Society’s archi


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