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物流自考论文标准格式示例 毕业设计(论文)由8个部分组成: ①毕业设计(论文)封面;(封面按省考试院的要求填写,直接从自考办网上下载) ②标题; ③中外文摘要; ④目录; ⑤正文; ⑥谢辞; ⑦参考文献; ⑧附录。(此部分如果没有可以不用写) 其中 页眉为“物流管理毕业论文”,五号宋体居中 页脚为页码五号宋体居中,从正文开始计数 各个部分格式要求见下面的批注! 我国第三方物流服务的顾客满意度研究 摘 要 现代企业重视物流不仅仅是为了节约成本,而是他们越来越认识到物流对提高客户服务水平及企业获得竞争性战略优势的重要性。第三方物流公司的运作表现直接关系到被服务公司客户的满意与否,对第三方物流企业而言,只有尽快调整经营目标和策略,推行顾客满意理念,实施顾客满意度经营,才能树立新的竞争优势,实现企业、顾客的双赢。 首先阐述了顾客满意度的概念和重要性,并针对性的描述了顾客满意度的特性,然后分析了第三方物流企业顾客满意度的影响因素,并对这些因素做出详细的分析说明。其次对顾客满意度指数模型进行深入探讨,创建了第三方物流顾客满意度模型的理论框架,并建立了相应的指标体系;最后,针对我国第三方物流服务存在的问题,结合具体案例,提出了基于顾客满意度的第三方物流企业服务质量发展创新的提升途径。 关键词: 第三方物流 顾客满意度 物流服务 The research on the customer satisfaction of third-party logistics service ABSTRACT Modern enterprises attach importance to logistics not only for economy of cost, but also the importance of logistics in improving the client-service level and acquiring competitive strategic advantage for enterprises. The operation of third-party logistics company has direct relation to the degree of served client company’s satisfaction. To the third-party logistics enterprises, for building up new competitive advantage and achieving the win-win situation between enterprise and customer, it is necessary to adjust the marks and strategies of management, push the notion of customer satisfaction, carry out the management of customer satisfaction. At first, this thesis expatiates on the notion and importance of customer satisfaction with pertinent description about the characteristics of customer satisfaction, then analyzes the influencing factors of customer satisfaction of third-party logistics company, following the exhaustive explanation and analysis, according to which the approach for the improvement of serving quality in the third-party logistics company, based on the customer’s satisfaction, is put forward. Then, this thesis probes into the exponential model of customer satisfaction, sets up the theoretical frame of third-party logistics customer satisfaction and establishes the


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