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我国货运代理行业现状研究 中央广播电视大学开放教育 天津广播电视大学本科毕业论文 我国货运代理行业现状研究 作者:××× 院系:××学院(或××分校) 专业:物流管理 年级: ××级 学号:×××××××× 指导教师:××× 日期:××××年××月 我国货运代理行业现状研究 摘要:货运代理作为代理体系中的重要组成部分,有着其与众不同的独特之处,而且随着货运代理业的不断发展壮大,它在国民经济的发展中所起的作用越来越重要,也逐渐被人们所认识到。货运代理市场是国内运输市场和国际航运市场的重要组成部分,在国内与国际运输中具有不可替代的作用。但是在现实当中,我们也不难发现我国的货运代理行业存在着许多问题,再加上货运代理市场受各种因素影响较大,导致我国货运代理市场经营秩序不规范。基于以上的背景,本文就我国货运代理行业的现状进行了深入的分析和了解。本文首先就货运代理的定义、性质、以及分类进行了基本的概述,为后面的研究提供概念和理论上的支持,然后探讨了我国货运代理行业发展的现状,发现法律不健全、服务态度差、企业没有长远目标、违法操作是我国货运代理业存在的主要问题,基于对现状和问题的分析基础上,提出了相对应的整改措施,为我国的货运代理行业的未来发展提供参考借鉴,使我国的货运代理业向着健康的方向的发展。 关键词:货运代理;行业;物流 Our country freight forwarding industry research current situation Abstract: Freight forwarders as an important part of the agency system, has its quite special, and, as the freight forwarding industry development and growth, it in the development of national economy, the role of more and more important, also has been recognized. Freight forwarding market is domestic transportation market and international shipping market the important part in domestic and international transportation, has the role that cannot be replaced. But in reality, we also is not difficult to find of the freight forwarding industry in our country there are many problems, plus freight forwarding market affected by various factors influence is bigger, causes our country freight forwarding the market operation order is not standard. Based on the above the background, this paper freight forwarding industry in China is the current situation of the in-depth analysis and understanding. This paper first is freight forwarding the definition and characters, and the classification of basic outline, the study provides for the concept and theory of support, and then discusses the present situation of the development of freight forwarding industry, and found that the law does not perfect, the service attitude is bad, the enterprise has no long-term goal, illegal op


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