研究生复试口语模板 2015考研复试英语口语考试自我介绍模板(1篇).doc

研究生复试口语模板 2015考研复试英语口语考试自我介绍模板(1篇).doc

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研究生复试口语模板 2015考研复试英语口语考试自我介绍模板(1篇)

研究生复试口语模板 2015考研复试英语口语考试自我介绍模板(1篇) 2015考研复试英语口语考试自我介绍模板 1.开场白Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview.2.姓名,英文名,毕业院校,毕业专业,毕业学院First let me intr… 离离原上草设计意图:教师要以清晰、形象、有表现力的语言想幼儿描述这个“一岁一枯荣”的故事。在幼儿接触故事。在幼儿接触故事之前,重点应帮助他们理解其中蕴涵的情感,而不一定非要去总结“小草有旺盛的生命力”“小草有坚强的毅力”等道理。活动目标:1. 感受古… 让新课程下的心理健康教育之花盛开【摘要】心理教育即广义的心理健康教育,其含义是:教育者运用多种途径和手段,从学生心理实际出发,有计划、有目的地对学生心理素质的各个方面进行积极的教育和辅导,进而促进学生形成良好的心理素质,并开发他们的心理潜能,促进他们… 2015考研复试英语口语考试自我介绍模板 1.开场白 Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview. 2.姓名,英文名,毕业院校,毕业专业,毕业学院 First let me introduce myself. My name is LiShuai, and my English name is Jacky Lee. I’ve finished my undergraduate education in Xidian University, Majoring in Electronic Science and Technology in the college of Technical Physics. 3.性格,爱好,实践经验 I am open-minded, willing and have broad interests like basketball, reading and especially in engineering such as software programming, website design, hardware design. For example, during the past four years, I have accomplished two websites: one is the website of our school, and the other is the website of the doctor forum of china 2007. Furthermore, I am interested in C plus plus programming language and have written some application programs. In July in the last year,I finished my graduate project with flying colors,which was a software application about Image Process . In addition, I have also finished some projects about embedded system by using MCU when I was a junior. 4.为什么想读研,将来愿意从事的方向,读研时的打算 Although I have broad interests in many aspects and grasp the essential knowledge of the major, but I think at present, I can do many things in a superficial level, but not be competent to do things professionally owing to lack of ample knowledge and ability. So I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. The major that I hope pursue for my further education is IC design. Because I find integrated circuits are playing a more and more important role in our modern


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